第3章 Chapter 1(3)
The Squire fathomed her design,and answered diplomatically,"I shall have to find out when it'll be most convenient for Miss Frost.""Her convenience,indeed!"ejaculated his wife."I should say that the School Committee's convenience was more important than hers.Like as not she knows more about dress than she does about what you've engaged her to teach.""Where is she going to board?"asked Mrs.Slocum,with unabated interest in the important topic of discussion.
"I can't tell yet."
"Is'pose she'd like to live in style at the hotel,so she can show off her dresses.""It would take all her wages to pay for board there,"said the Squire.
"Mebbe I might take her,"said Mrs.Slocum."I could give her the back room over the shed.""I will mention it to her,Mrs.Slocum,"said the Squire diplomatically,and Mrs.Slocum hurried home.
"You don't really intend to recommend Mrs.Slocum's as a boarding place,Benjamin?"interrogated his wife."I don't think much of the teacher you've hired,but she'd roast to death in that stived up back room.Besides,Mrs.Slocum is the worst cook in town.Her bread is abominable,and I don't wonder her folks are always ailing.""Don't be uneasy about that,Lucretia,"said the Squire."If Miss Frost goes to Mrs.Slocum's to board,it'll have to be on somebody else's recommendation."The new school teacher was sitting at the window in her room,supper being over,when the landlady came up to inform her that Squire Hadley had called to see her.
"He is the chairman of the School Committee,isn't he?"asked the stranger.
"Then will you be kind enough to tell him that I will be down directly?"Squire Hadley was sitting in a rocking chair in the stiff hotel parlor,when Miss Frost entered,and said composedly,"Mr.Hadley,I believe?"She exhibited more self possession than might have been expected of one in her position,in the presence of official importance.There was not the slightest trace of nervousness in her manner,though she was aware that the portly person before her was to examine into her qualifications for the post she sought.
"I apprehend,"said Squire Hadley,in a tone of dignity which he always put on when he addressed teachers,"I apprehend that you are Miss Mabel Frost.""You are quite right,sir.I apprehend,"she added,with a slight smile,"that you are the chairman of the School Committee.""You apprehend correctly,Miss Frost.It affords me great pleasure to welcome you to Granville.""You are very kind,"said Mabel Frost demurely.
"It is a responsible,office --ahem!--that of instructor of youth,"said the Squire,with labored gravity.
"I hope I appreciate it."
"Have you ever --ahem!--taught before?
"This will be my first school."
"This --ahem!--is against you,but I trust you may succeed.""I trust so,sir,"
"You will have to pass an examination in the studies you are to teach --before ME,"said the Squire.
"I hope you may find me competent,"said Mabel modestly,"Ihope so,Miss Frost;my examination will be searching.I feel it my duty to the town to be very strict.""Would you like to examine me now,Mr.Hadley?""No,"said the Squire hastily,"no,no --I haven't my papers with me.I will trouble you to come to my house tomorrow morning,at nine o'clock,if convenient.""Certainly,sir.May I ask where your house is?""My boy shall call for you in the morning.""Thank you."
Mabel spoke as if this terminated the colloquy,but Squire Hadley had something more to say.
"I think we have said nothing about your wages,Miss Frost,"he remarked.
"You can pay me whatever is usual,"said Mabel,with apparent indifference.
"We have usually paid seven dollars a week.""That will be quite satisfactory,sir."
Soon after Squire Hadley had left the hotel Mabel Frost went slowly up to her room.
"So I am to earn seven dollars a week,"she said to herself.
"This is wealth indeed!"