'The honourable and reverent Mr.Oldham,brother to Lord Wessex.But you needn't be afeard o'en on that account.He'll talk to 'ee like a common man,if so be you haven't had enough drink to gie 'ee bad breath.'
'O,the same as formerly.I'll ask him.Thank you.And that duty done--''What then?'
'There's war in Spain.I hear our next move is there.I'll try to show myself to be what my father wished me.I don't suppose I shall--but I'll try in my feeble way.That much I swear--here over his body.So help me God.'Luke smacked his palm against the white hand-post with such force that it shook.'Yes,there's war in Spain;and another chance for me to be worthy of father.'
So the matter ended that night.That the private acted in one thing as he had vowed to do soon became apparent,for during the Christmas week the rector came into the churchyard when Cattstock was there,and asked him to find a spot that would be suitable for the purpose of such an interment,adding that he had slightly known the late sergeant,and was not aware of any law which forbade him to assent to the removal,the letter of the rule having been observed.But as he did not wish to seem moved by opposition to his neighbour at Sidlinch,he had stipulated that the act of charity should be carried out at night,and as privately as possible,and that the grave should be in an obscure part of the enclosure.'You had better see the young man about it at once,'added the rector.
But before Ezra had done anything Luke came down to his house.His furlough had been cut short,owing to new developments of the war in the Peninsula,and being obliged to go back to his regiment immediately,he was compelled to leave the exhumation and reinterment to his friends.Everything was paid for,and he implored them all to see it carried out forthwith.
With this the soldier left.The next day Ezra,on thinking the matter over,again went across to the rectory,struck with sudden misgiving.He had remembered that the sergeant had been buried without a coffin,and he was not sure that a stake had not been driven through him.The business would be more troublesome than they had at first supposed.
'Yes,indeed!'murmured the rector.'I am afraid it is not feasible after all.'
The next event was the arrival of a headstone by carrier from the nearest town;to be left at Mr.Ezra Cattstock's;all expenses paid.
The sexton and the carrier deposited the stone in the former's outhouse;and Ezra,left alone,put on his spectacles and read the brief and simple inion:-HERE LYETH THE BODY OF SAMUEL HOLWAY,LATE SERGEANT IN HIS MAJESTY'S--D REGIMENT OF FOOT,WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE DECEMBER THE 20TH,180-.ERECTED BY L.H.
'I AM NOT WORTHY TO BE CALLED THY SON.'Ezra again called at the riverside rectory.'The stone is come,sir.
But I'm afeard we can't do it nohow.''I should like to oblige him,'said the gentlemanly old incumbent.
'And I would forego all fees willingly.Still,if you and the others don't think you can carry it out,I am in doubt what to say.'
Well,sir;I've made inquiry of a Sidlinch woman as to his burial,and what I thought seems true.They buried en wi'a new six-foot hurdle-saul drough's body,from the sheep-pen up in North Ewelease though they won't own to it now.And the question is,Is the moving worth while,considering the awkwardness?''Have you heard anything more of the young man?'Ezra had only heard that he had embarked that week for Spain with the rest of the regiment.'And if he's as desperate as 'a seemed,we shall never see him here in England again.''It is an awkward case,'said the rector.
Ezra talked it over with the choir;one of whom suggested that the stone might be erected at the crossroads.This was regarded as impracticable.Another said that it might be set up in the churchyard without removing the body;but this was seen to be dishonest.So nothing was done.
The headstone remained in Ezra's outhouse till,growing tired of seeing it there,he put it away among the bushes at the bottom of his garden.The subject was sometimes revived among them,but it always ended with:'Considering how 'a was buried,we can hardly make a job o't.'
There was always the consciousness that Luke would never come back,an impression strengthened by the disasters which were rumoured to have befallen the army in Spain.This tended to make their inertness permanent.The headstone grew green as it lay on its back under Ezra's bushes;then a tree by the river was blown down,and,falling across the stone,cracked it in three pieces.Ultimately the pieces became buried in the leaves and mould.
Luke had not been born a Chalk-Newton man,and he had no relations left in Sidlinch,so that no tidings of him reached either village throughout the war.But after Waterloo and the fall of Napoleon there arrived at Sidlinch one day an English sergeant-major covered with stripes and,as it turned out,rich in glory.Foreign service had so totally changed Luke Holway that it was not until he told his name that the inhabitants recognized him as the sergeant's only son.
He had served with unswerving effectiveness through the Peninsular campaigns under Wellington;had fought at Busaco,Fuentes d'Onore,Ciudad Rodrigo,Badajoz,Salamanca,Vittoria,Quatre Bras,and Waterloo;and had now returned to enjoy a more than earned pension and repose in his native district.
He hardly stayed in Sidlinch longer than to take a meal on his arrival.The same evening he started on foot over the hill to Chalk-Newton,passing the hand-post,and saying as he glanced at the spot,'Thank God:he's not there!'Nightfall was approaching when he reached the latter village;but he made straight for the churchyard.
On his entering it there remained light enough to discern the headstones by,and these he narrowly scanned.But though he searched the front part by the road,and the back part by the river,what he sought he could not find--the grave of Sergeant Holway,and a memorial bearing the inion:'I AM NOT WORTHY TO BE CALLED THYSON.'