第22章 XXII.
Awhile the maid the stranger eyed, And, reassured, at length replied, That Highland halls were open still To wildered wanderers of the hill.
'Nor think you unexpected come To yon lone isle, our desert home;Before the heath had lost the dew, This morn, a couch was pulled for you;On yonder mountain's purple head Have ptarmigan and heath-cock bled, And our broad nets have swept the mere, To furnish forth your evening cheer.'--'Now, by the rood, my lovely maid, Your courtesy has erred,' he said;'No right have I to claim, misplaced, The welcome of expected guest.
A wanderer, here by fortune toss, My way, my friends, my courser lost, I ne'er before, believe me, fair, Have ever drawn your mountain air, Till on this lake's romantic strand I found a fey in fairy land!'--