第8章 SCENE 2(2)
Starbottle (aside). Umph! an interview with lovely woman means--er--intoxication, but--er--er--no liquor. It's evident that the Don doesn't drink. Eh! (Catches sight of table in corridor, and bottle.) Oh, he does, but some absurd Spanish formality prevents his doing the polite thing before dinner. (Aloud, to DON JOSE.)
One moment, sir, one moment. If you will--er--er--pardon the--er--seeming discourtesy, for which I am, I admit--or--personally responsible, I will for a few moments enjoy the--er--er--delicious air of the courtyard, and the beauties of Nature as displayed in the--er--sunset. I will--er--rejoin you and the--er--er--ladies a moment later.
Don Jose. The house is your own, senor: do as you will. This way, Don Alexandro. [Exit, in door L., DON JOSE and MORTON, sen.
Starbottle. "Do as you will." Well, I don't understand Spanish ceremony, but that's certainly good English. (Going to table.)
Eh! (Smelling decanter.) Robinson County whiskey! Umph! I have observed that the spirit of American institutions, sir, are already penetrating the--er--er--superstitions of--er--foreign and effete civilizations. (Pours out glass of whiskey, and drinks; pours again, and observes MANUELA watching him respectfully.) What the Devil is that girl looking at? Eh! (Puts down glass.)
Manuela (aside). He is fierce and warlike. Mother of God! But he is not so awful as that gray-haired caballero, who looks like a fasting St. Anthony. And he loves aguardiente: he will pity poor Diego the more. (Aloud.) Ahem! Senor. (Courtesies coquettishly.)
Col. Starbottle (aside). Oh, I see. Ged! not a bad-looking girl,--a trifle dark, but Southern, and--er--tropical. Ged, Star, Star, this won't do, sir; no, sir. The filial affections of Aeneas are not to be sacrificed through the blandishments of--er--Dodo--I mean a Dido.
Manuela. O senor, you are kind, you are good. You are an Americano, one of a great nation. You will feel sympathy for a poor young man,--a mere muchacho,--one of your own race, who was a vaquero here, senor. He has been sent away from us here disgraced, alone, hungry, perhaps penniless. (Wipes her eyes.)
Col. Starbottle. The Devil! Another prodigal. (Aloud.) My dear, the case you have just stated would appear to be the--er--er--normal condition of the--er--youth of America. But why was he discharged? (Pouring out liquor.)
Manuela (demurely glancing at the colonel). He was drunk, senor.
Starbottle (potently). Drunkenness, my child, which is--er--weakness in the--er--er--gentleman, in the subordinate is a crime.
What--er--excites the social impulse and exhilarates the fancy of the--er--master of the house, in the performance of his duty, renders the servant unfit for his. Legally it is a breach of contract. I should give it as my opinion,--for which I am personally responsible,--that your friend Diego could not recover.
Ged! (Aside.) I wonder if this scapegoat could be our black sheep.
Manuela. But that was not all, senor. It was an excuse only. He was sent away for helping our young lady to a cavalier. He was discharged because he would not be a traitor to her. He was sent away because he was too good, too honorable,--too-- (Bursts out crying.)
Starbottle (aside). Oh, the Devil! THIS is no Sandy Morton.
(Coming forward gravely.) I have never yet analyzed the--er--er--character of the young gentleman I have the honor to assist in restoring to his family and society; but judging--er--calmly--er--dispassionately, my knowledge of his own father--from what the old gentleman must have been in his unregenerate state, and knowing what he is now in his present reformed Christian condition, I should say calmly and deliberately that the son must be the most infernal and accomplished villain unhung. Ged, I have a thought, an inspiration. (To MANUELA, tapping her under the chin.) I see, my dear; a lover, ha, ha! Ah, you rogue! Well, well, we will talk of this again. I will--er--er--interest myself in this Diego.
Starbottle (solus). How would it do to get up a prodigal? Umph.
Something must be done soon: the old man grows languid in his search. My position as a sinecure is--er--in peril. A prodigal ready made! But could I get a scoundrel bad enough to satisfy the old man? Ged, that's serious. Let me see: he admits that he is unable to recognize his own son in face, features, manner, or speech. Good! If I could pick up some rascal whose--er--irregularities didn't quite fill the bill, and could say--Ged!--that he was reforming. Reforming! Ged, Star! That very defect would show the hereditary taint, demn me! I must think of this seriously. Ged, Star! the idea is--an inspiration of humanity and virtue. Who knows? it might be the saving of the vagabond,--a crown of glory to the old man's age. Inspiration, did I say? Ged, Star, it's a DUTY,--a sacred, solemn duty, for which you are responsible,--personally responsible.
Lights down half. Enter from corridor L., MORTON, DON JOSE, the DONA JOVITA, and MANUELA.
Dona Jovita (stepping forward with exaggerated Spanish courtesy).
A thousand graces await your Excellency, Commander Don--Don--Starbottle (bowing to the ground with equal delight and exaggerated courtesy). Er--Coolpepero!
Dona Jovita. Don Culpepero! If we throw ourselves unasked at your Excellency's feet (courtesy), if we appear unsought before the light of your Excellency's eyes (courtesy), if we err in maidenly decorum in thus seeking unbidden your Excellency's presence (courtesy), believe us, it is the fear of some greater, some graver indecorum in our conduct that has withdrawn your Excellency's person from us since you have graced our roof with your company.
We know, Senor Commander, how superior are the charms of the American ladies. It is in no spirit of rivalry with them, but to show--Mother of God!--that we are not absolutely ugly, that we intrude upon your Excellency's solitude. (Aside.) I shall need the old fool, and shall use him.