第13章 SCENE 3(3)
Oakhurst (starting in astonishment; aside). Sandy Morton, my lost partner's father! This is fate.
Morton. You are astonished; but I thought so. Ay, you will hear me now! I am your father, Alexander Morton, who drove you, a helpless boy, into disgrace and misery. I know your shameless life: for twenty years it was mine, and worse, until, by the grace of God, I reformed, as you shall. I have stopped you in a disgraceful act. Your mother--God forgive me!--left HER house, for MY arms, as wickedly, as wantonly, as shamelessly--Oakhurst. Stop, old man! Stop! Another word (seizing him), and I may forget your years.
Morton. But not your blood. No, Alexander Morton, I have come thousands of miles for one sacred purpose,--to save you; and I shall, with God's will, do it now. Be it so, on one condition.
You shall have this girl; but lawfully, openly, with the sanction of Heaven and your parents.
Oakhurst (aside). I see a ray of hope. This is Sandy's father; the cold, insensate brute, who drove him into exile, the one bitter memory of his life. Sandy disappeared, irreclaimable, or living alone, hating irrevocably the author of his misery; why should not I--Morton (continuing). On one condition. Hear me, Alexander Morton.
If within a year, you, abandoning your evil practices, your wayward life, seek to reform beneath my roof, I will make this proud Spanish Don glad to accept you as the more than equal of his daughter.
Oakhurst (aside). It would be an easy deception. Sandy has given me the details of his early life. At least, before the imposition was discovered I shall be-- (Aloud.) I--I-- (Aside.) Perdition!
SHE is coming! There is a light moving in the upper chamber. Don Jose is awakened. (Aloud.) I--I--accept.
Morton. It is well. Take these keys, open yonder gate, and fly!
(As OAKHURST hesitates.) Obey me. I will meet your sweetheart, and explain all. You will come here at daylight in the morning, and claim admittance, not as a vagabond, a housebreaker, but as my son. You hesitate. Alexander Morton, I, your father, command you.
OAKHURST goes to the gate, opens it, as the sound of DIEGO'S voice, singing in the fog, comes faintly in.
O yer's your Sandy Morton, Drink him down!
O yer's your Sandy Morton, Drink him down!
O yer's your Sandy Morton, For he's drunk, and goin' a-courtin'.
O yer's your Sandy Morton, Drink him down!
OAKHURST recoils against gate, MORTON hesitates, as window in corridor opens, and DON JOSE calls from upper corridor.
Don Jose. Concho! (Pause.) 'Tis that vagabond Diego, lost his way in the fog. Strange that Concho should have overlooked him. I will descend.
Morton (to OAKHURST). Do you hear?
Exit OAKHURST through gateway. MORTON closes gate, and returns to centre. Enter JOVITA hurriedly.
Jovita. I have it here. Quick! there is a light in Don Jose's chamber; my father is coming down. (Sees MORTON, and screams.)
Morton (seizing her.) Hush! for your own sake; for HIS; control yourself. He is gone, but he will return. (To JOVITA, still struggling.) Hush, I beg, Miss Jovita. I beg, I command you, my daughter. Hush!
Jovita (whispering). His voice has changed. What does this mean?
(Aloud.) Where has he gone? and why are YOU here?
Morton (slowly and seriously). He has left me here to answer the unanswered question you asked him. (Enter Don Jose and Col.
STARBOTTLE, R. and L.) I am here to tell you that I am his father, and that he is Alexander Morton.