'We endured for two months and seventeen days - always being pressed from three sides into a smaller space. Several times Allo sent in word that help was at hand. We did not believe it, but it cheered our men.
'The end came not with shootings of joy, but, like the rest, as in a dream. The Winged Hats suddenly left us in peace for one night and the next day; which is too long for spent men. We slept at first lightly, expecting to be roused, and then like logs, each where he lay. May you never need such sleep! When I waked our towers were full of strange, armed men, who watched us snoring. I roused Pertinax, and we leaped up together.
"'What?" said a young man in clean armour. "Do you fight against Theodosius? Look!"
'North we looked over the red snow. No Winged Hats were there. South we looked over the white snow, and behold there were the Eagles of two strong Legions encamped. East and west we saw flame and fighting, but by Hunno all was still.
"'Trouble no more," said the young man. "Rome's arm is long. Where are the Captains of the Wall?"
'We said we were those men.
"'But you are old and grey-haired," he cried.
"Maximus said that they were boys."
"'Yes, that was true some years ago," said Pertinax.
"What is our fate to be, you fine and well-fed child?"
"'I am called Ambrosius, a secretary of the Emperor," he answered. "Show me a certain letter which Maximus wrote from a tent at Aquileia, and perhaps I will believe."
'I took it from my breast, and when he had read it he saluted us, saying: "Your fate is in your own hands. If you choose to serve Theodosius, he will give you a Legion. If it suits you to go to your homes, we will give you a Triumph."
"'I would like better a bath, wine, food, razors, soaps, oils, and scents," said Pertinax, laughing.
"'Oh, I see you are a boy," said Ambrosius. "And you?" turning to me.
"'We bear no ill-will against Theodosius, but in War-"
I began.
"'In War it is as it is in Love," said Pertinax. "Whether she be good or bad, one gives one's best once, to one only. That given, there remains no second worth giving or taking."
"'That is true," said Ambrosius. "I was with Maximus before he died. He warned Theodosius that you would never serve him, and frankly I say I am sorry for my Emperor."
"'He has Rome to console him," said Pertinax. "I ask you of your kindness to let us go to our homes and get this smell out of our nostrils."
'None the less they gave us a Triumph!'
'It was well earned,' said Puck, throwing some leaves into the still water of the marlpit. The black, oily circles spread dizzily as the children watched them.
'I want to know, oh, ever so many things,' said Dan.
'What happened to old Allo? Did the Winged Hats ever come back? And what did Amal do?'
'And what happened to the fat old General with the five cooks?' said Una. 'And what did your Mother say when you came home? ...'
'She'd say you're settin' too long over this old pit, so late as 'tis already,'said old Hobden's voice behind them.
'Hst!'he whispered.
He stood still, for not twenty paces away a magnificent dog-fox sat on his haunches and looked at the children as though he were an old friend of theirs.
'Oh, Mus' Reynolds, Mus' Reynolds!' said Hobden, under his breath. 'If I knowed all was inside your head, I'd know something wuth knowin'. Mus' Dan an' Miss Una, come along o' me while I lock up my liddle henhouse.'