第522章 CHAPTER X(61)
FN 649 Lords Journals Jan. 29. 1688/9; Clarendon's Diary;Evelyn's Diary; Citters; Eachard's History of the Revolution;Barnet, i. 813.; History of the Reestablishment of the Government, 1689. The numbers of the Contents and Not Contents are not given in the journals, and are differently reported by different writers. I have followed Clarendon, who took the trouble to make out lists of the majority and minority.
FN 650 Grey's Debates; Evelyn's Diary; Life of Archbishop Sharp, by his son; Apology for the New Separation, in a letter to Dr.
John Sharp, Archbishop of York, 1691.
FN 651 Lords' Journals, Jan. 30. 1689/8; Clarendon's Diary.
FN 652 Dartmouth's note on Burnet i. 393. Dartmouth says that it was from Fagel that the Lords extracted the hint. This was a slip of the pen very pardonable in a hasty marginal note; but Dalrymple and others ought not to have copied so palpable a blunder. Fagel died in Holland, on the 5th of December 1688, when William was at Salisbury and James at Whitehall. The real person was, I suppose, Dykvelt, Bentinck, or Zulestein, most probably Dykvelt.
FN 653 Both the service and Burnet's sermon are still to be found in our great libraries, and will repay the trouble of perusal.
FN 654 Lords' Journals, Jan. 31. 1688/9.
FN 655 Citters, Feb. 5/15. 1689; Clarendon's Diary, Feb. 2. The story is greatly exaggerated in the work entitled Revolution Politics, an eminently absurd book, yet of some value as a record of the foolish reports of the day. Greys Debates.
FN 656 The letter of James, dated Jan 24/Feb 3 1689, will be found in Kennet. It is most disingenuously garbled in Clarke's Life of James. See Clarendon's Diary, Feb. 2. 4.; Grey's Debates;Lords' Journals, Feb. 2. 4. 1688/9.
FN 657 It has been asserted by several writers, and, among others, by Ralph and by M. Mazure, that Danby signed this protest. This is a mistake. Probably some person who examined the journals before they were printed mistook Derby for Danby. Lords' Journals, Feb. 4. 1688/9. Evelyn, a few days before, wrote Derby, by mistake, for Danby. Diary, Jan. 29. 1688/9FN 658 Commons' Journals, Feb. 5. 1688/9.
FN 659 Burnet, i. 819.
FN 660 Clarendon's Diary, Jan. 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1688/9; Burnet, i. 807.
FN 661 Clarendon's Diary, Feb, 5. 168/9; Duchess of Marlborough's Vindication; Mulgrave's Account of the Revolution.
FN 662 Burnet, i. 820. Burnet says that he has not related the events of this stirring time in chronological order. I have therefore been forced to arrange them by guess: but I think that I can scarcely be wrong in supposing that the letter of the Princess of Orange to Danby arrived, and that the Prince's explanation of his views was given, between Thursday the 31st of January, and Wednesday the 6th of February.
FN 663 Mulgrave's Account of the Revolution. In the first three editions, I told this story incorrectly. The fault was chiefly my own but partly Burnet's, by whose careless use of the pronoun _he_, I was misled. Burnet, i. 818FN 664 Commons' Journals, Feb. 6. 1688/9.
FN 665 See the Lords' and Commons' Journals of Feb. 6. 1688/9 and the Report of the Conference.
FN 666 Lords' Journals, Feb. 6. 1688/9; Clarendon's Diary;Burnet, i. 822. and Dartmouth's note; Citters, Feb. 8/18,. I have followed Clarendon as to the numbers. Some writers make the majority smaller and some larger.
FN 667 Lords Journals, Feb. 6, 7. 1688/9; Clarendon's Diary.
FN 668 Commons Journals, Jan. 29., Feb. 2. 1688/9.
FN 669 Commons' Journal's, Feb, 2. 1683.
FN 670 Grey's Debates; Burnet, i. 822.
FN 671 Commons' Journals, Feb. 4. 8. 11, 12.; Lords' Journals, Feb. 9. 11. 12, 1688/9FN 672 London Gazette, Feb. 14. 1688/9; Citters, Feb. 12/22.
FN 673 Duchess of Marlborough's Vindication; Review of the Vindication; Burnet, i. 781. 825. and Dartmouth's note; Evelyn's Diary, Feb. 21. 1688/9.
FN 674 Lords' and Commons' Journals, Feb. 14 1688/9; Citters, Feb. 15/25. Citters puts into William's mouth stronger expressions of respect for the authority of Parliament than appear in the journals; but it is clear from what Powle said that the report in the journals was not strictly accurate.
FN 675 London Gazette, Feb. 14. 1688/9; Lords' and Commons'.
Journals, Feb. 13.; Citters, Feb 15/25; Evelyn, Feb. 21.
End The History of England from the Accession of James the Second Volume III(Chapters XI-XVI) by Thomas Babington Macaulay.