第146章 Book V(23)
Gabor, Bethlen. [See letter B.]
Gallas, Imperialist general: made generalissimo; Commander-in-chief;in command under King of Hungary; overruns Ribses; defeated by Torstensohn.
Gebhard, Elector of Cologne.
German people, principles and religious zeal of.
Germany: its condition after Augsburg; at the accession of Rodolph;after Wallenstein's death.
"God's friend, priests' foe", motto of Duke of Brunswick.
"God with us", war-cry of the Swedes.
Gordon, Colonel.
Gratz, Archduke of. [See Ferdinand II.]
Guebriant, Field-Marshal.
Gustavus Adolphus, of Sweden: ascends the throne; early life, incident of;position of; resources; concludes a treaty with France; with Magdeburg;complaints against; appears before Berlin; treaty with Hesse Cassel;with Saxony; meeting at Forgue; Battle of Leipzig; marches to the Rhine;seats the Palatine in Munich; retrospect of his career from Halle to Lutzen (all of Book III.); storms Marienburg; takes possession of Frankfort;besieges Mentz; carries Oppenheim by storm; exposed to the malice of the Jesuits; enters Nuremberg; besieges Ingoldstadt, narrow escape;enters Munich; receives congratulations from Wallenstein;hastens to the Upper Palatinate; seizes Nuremberg;attacks Wallenstein's camp; marches to Neustadt; enters Naumberg;death of, at the Battle of Lutzen; his body discovered;review of his policy.
Gustavus Vasa.
Henderson, Colonel, Scotch officer, commands reserve at Leipzig.
Henry IV. of France, "Henry of Arragon", projects and views of.
Hepburn, Colonel, Scotch officer, anecdote of.
Hesse, Landgrave of: reply to Tilly's demands; concludes a treaty with Gustavus; does important service for Gustavus.
Holland, political position of.
Holk, General, death of.
Horn, Gustavus: drives Imperialists from Alsace; conduct at Leipzig;left to subdue Franconia; successes in Franconia; services at Lutzen;marches to the Swedish frontier.
Hungary, its relations to Austria.
Hussites, account of the.
Illo, Count: confederate of Wallenstein; acts as Wallenstein's agent;death of.
Imperialists: delegates of, at Prague; army reduced to distress;overrun Bavaria.
Interim, the, system of theology.
James I., King of England, assists the Elector.
Jancowitz, Battle of.
Jesuits, the: banishment of; they work against Gustavus;their oppression of the Protestants; in Vienna, mention of;reference to, in Wallenstein's career.
"Jesus Maria", war-cry of the Imperialists.
Joseph, Father, agent of Richelieu.
Juliers, Duchy of: disputes succession to; "singular turn in the disruption".
Kinsky, Count.
Kinsky, Countess.
Koenigsmark, Swedish general.
Ladislaus, son of Segismund of Poland.
Lauenburg, Duke of.
Lavelette, Cardinal.
Leipzig: general convention of, 1631; Battle of.
Leslie, an officer of Wallenstein.
Letter of Majesty: issue of; explanation of; torn by Ferdinand.
Lorraine, Charles, Duke of, defeated by Gustavus.
Lubeck, Peace of.
Lutherans, the: their position stated; their oppression of the Calvinists.
Lutter, battle at.
Lutzen: mention of; Battle of; death of Gustavus.
Magdeburg: besieged by Tilly; assaulted; taken by the Swedes.
Mansfeld, Count Ernst: defeated at Budweiss; ravages the Palatinates;enters the Dutch service; defeated at Dessau.
Mansfeld, Wolf, Count von, leaves Magdeburg to the Swedes.
Matthias, Emperor and Archduke: chosen as Austrian leader;heads a revolt against the Emperor; acknowledged King of Bohemia;ascends the throne; death of.
Maximilian II., Emperor and King of Hungary, government and position of.
Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria: Head of Catholic League; marches into Bohemia;character and position of; makes secret treaty with France; perfidy of;anxious for peace; tactics for supremacy; takes shelter in Salzburg.
Mazarin, Cardinal: and the Battle of Friburg; his diplomatic tactics in the war.
Melander, a Calvinist: commands the Imperial forces;mortally wounded at Egra.
Mentz, besieged and taken.
Moravian Brethren, doctrines of.
Munich surrenders to Gustavus.
Mutiny amongst Swedish officers near Donauwerth.
Neumann, Captain.
Nevers, Duke of.
Nordlingen, Battle of.
Nuremberg: battleground; exertions of the magistrates.
Odowalsky, disbanded officer.
Oppenheim carried by storm.
Oxenstiern, Chancellor of Sweden: receives Mentz Library;position; assembles Estates at Heilbronn; suspects Wallenstein;alliance with Wallenstein; solicits French assistance; applies to France.
Palatinate, the, religious history of.
Palatine, Elector, position and character of.
Pappenheim, Imperialist general: assaults Magdeburg; recalls Tilly;attacks Swedish vanguard; at Leipzig; marches to Cologne; at Lutzen;death of.
Peace negotiations and conclusion, 1647.
Peace negotiations of Prague: terms of; results of to France and Sweden.
Philip II., of Spain, character and political views of.