第20章 Chapter VII(3)
"These few grains will be sufficient to show ye with," came in the young fellow's voice; and after a pause, during which some operation seemed to be intently watched by them both, he exclaimed, "There, now, do you taste that.""It's complete! - quite restored, or - well - nearly.""Quite enough restored to make good seconds out of it," said the Scotchman.
"To fetch it back entirely is impossible; Nature won't stand so much as that, but heere you go a great way towards it. Well, sir, that's the process;I don't value it, for it can be but of little use in countries where the weather is more settled than in ours; and I'll be only too glad if it's of service to you.""But hearken to me," pleaded Henchard. "My business, you know, is in corn and in hay; but I was brought up as a haytrusser simply, and hay is what I understand best, though I now do more in corn than in the other.
If you'll accept the place, you shall manage the corn branch entirely, and receive a commission in addition to salary.""You're liberal - very liberal; but no, no - I cannet!" the young man still replied, with some distress in his accents.
"So be it!" said Henchard conclusively. "Now - to change the subject - one good turn deserves another; don't stay to finish that miserable supper.
Come to my house; I can find something better for 'ee than cold ham and ale."Donald Farfrae was grateful - said he feared he must decline - that he wished to leave early next day.
"Very well," said Henchard quickly, "please yourself. But I tell you, young man, if this holds good for the bulk, as it has done for the sample, you have saved my credit, stranger though you be. What shall I pay you for this knowledge?""Nothing at all, nothing at all. It may not prove necessary to ye to use it often, and I don't value it at all. I thought I might just as well let ye know, as you were in a difficulty, and they were harrd upon ye."Henchard paused. "I shan't soon forget this," he said. "And from a stranger!...
I couldn't believe you were not the man I had engaged! Says I to myself ""He knows who I am, and recommends himself by this stroke."" And yet it turns out, after all, that you are not the man who answered my advertisement, but a stranger!""Ay, ay; that's so," said the young man.
Henchard again suspended his words, and then his voice came thoughtfully:
"Your forehead, Farfrae, is something like my poor brother's - now dead and gone; and the nose, too, isn't unlike his. You must be, what - five foot nine, I reckon? I am six foot one and a half out of my shoes. But what of that? In my business, 'tis true that strength and bustle build up a firm. But judgement and knowledge are what keep it established. Unluckily, I am bad at science, Farfrae; bad at figures - a rule o' thumb sort of man. You are just the reverse - I can see that. I have been looking for such as you these two year, and yet you are not for me. Well, before Igo, let me ask this: Though you are not the young man I thought you were, what's the difference? Can't ye stay just the same? Have you really made up your mind about this American notion? I won't mince matters. I feel you would be invaluable to me - that needn't be said - and if you bide and be my manager, I will make it worth your while.""My plans are fixed," said the young man, in negative tones. "I have formed a scheme, and so we need na say any more about it. But will you not drink with me, sir? I find this Casterbridge ale warreming to the stomach.""No, no; I fain would, but I can't," said Henchard gravely, the scraping of his chair informing the listeners that he was rising to leave. "When I was a young man I went in for that sort of thing too strong - far too strong - and was well-nigh ruined by it! I did a deed on account of it which I shall be ashamed of to my dying day. It made such an impression on me that I swore, there and then, that I'd drink nothing stronger than tea for as many years as I was old that day. I have kept my oath; and though, Farfrae, I am sometimes that dry in the dog days that I could drink a quarter-barrel to the pitching, I think o' my oath, and touch no strong drink at all.""I'll no' press ye, sir - I'll no' press ye. I respect your vow.""Well, I shall get a manager somewhere, no doubt," said Henchard, with strong feeling in his tones. "But it will be long before I see one that would suit me so well!"The young man appeared much moved by Henchard's warm convictions of his value. He was silent till they reached the door. "I wish I could stay - sincerely I would like to," he replied. "But no - it cannet be! it cannet!
I want to see the warrld."
HARDY: The Mayor of Casterbridge - VIII