第56章 AHECA TOMB(3)
The vessel was within two miles of us.It was ever nearing that phosphorescent light which showed the presence of the Nautilus.
Icould see its green and red lights,and its white lantern hanging from the large foremast.An indistinct vibration quivered through its rigging,showing that the furnaces were heated to the uttermost.
Sheaves of sparks and red ashes flew from the funnels,shining in the atmosphere like stars.
Iremained thus until six in the morning,without Captain Nemo noticing me.
The ship stood about a mile and a half from us,and with the first dawn of day the firing began afresh.The moment could not be far off when,the Nautilus attacking its adversary,my companions and myself should for ever leave this man.Iwas preparing to go down to remind them,when the second mounted the platform,accompanied by several sailors.
Captain Nemo either did not or would not see them.Some steps were taken which might be called the signal for action.They were very simple.
The iron balustrade around the platform was lowered,and the lantern and pilot cages were pushed within the shell until they were flush with the deck.
The long surface of the steel cigar no longer offered a single point to check its manoeuvres.Ireturned to the saloon.The Nautilus still floated;some streaks of light were filtering through the liquid beds.
With the undulations of the waves the windows were brightened by the red streaks of the rising sun,and this dreadful day of the 2nd of June had dawned.
At five o'clock,the log showed that the speed of the Nautilus was slackening,and Iknew that it was allowing them to draw nearer.Besides,the reports were heard more distinctly,and the projectiles,labouring through the ambient water,were extinguished with a strange hissing noise.
"My friends,"said I,"the moment is come.One grasp of the hand,and may God protect us!"Ned Land was resolute,Conseil calm,myself so nervous that Iknew not how to contain myself.We all passed into the library;but the moment Ipushed the door opening on to the central staircase,Iheard the upper panel close sharply.
The Canadian rushed on to the stairs,but Istopped him.
Awell-known hissing noise told me that the water was running into the reservoirs,and in a few minutes the Nautilus was some yards beneath the surface of the waves.
Iunderstood the manoeuvre.It was too late to act.
The Nautilus did not wish to strike at the impenetrable cuirass,but below the water-line,where the metallic covering no longer protected it.
We were again imprisoned,unwilling witnesses of the dreadful drama that was preparing.We had scarcely time to reflect;taking refuge in my room,we looked at each other without speaking.
Adeep stupor had taken hold of my mind:thought seemed to stand still.
Iwas in that painful state of expectation preceding a dreadful report.
Iwaited,Ilistened,every sense was merged in that of hearing!
The speed of the Nautilus was accelerated.It was preparing to rush.
The whole ship trembled.Suddenly Iscreamed.Ifelt the shock,but comparatively light.Ifelt the penetrating power of the steel spur.
Iheard rattlings and scrapings.But the Nautilus,carried along by its propelling power,passed through the mass of the vessel like a needle through sailcloth!
Icould stand it no longer.Mad,out of my mind,Irushed from my room into the saloon.Captain Nemo was there,mute,gloomy,implacable;he was looking through the port panel.
Alarge mass cast a shadow on the water;and,that it might lose nothing of her agony,the Nautilus was going down into the abyss with her.Ten yards from me Isaw the open shell,through which the water was rushing with the noise of thunder,then the double line of guns and the netting.The bridge was covered with black,agitated shadows.
The water was rising.The poor creatures were crowding the ratlines,clinging to the masts,struggling under the water.It was a human ant-heap overtaken by the sea.Paralysed,stiffened with anguish,my hair standing on end,with eyes wide open,panting,without breath,and without voice,Itoo was watching!An irresistible attraction glued me to the glass!
Suddenly an explosion took place.The compressed air blew up her decks,as if the magazines had caught fire.Then the unfortunate vessel sank more rapidly.Her topmast,laden with victims,now appeared;then her spars,bending under the weight of men;and,last of all,the top of her mainmast.
Then the dark mass disappeared,and with it the dead crew,drawn down by the strong eddy.
Iturned to Captain Nemo.That terrible avenger,a perfect archangel of hatred,was still looking.When all was over,he turned to his room,opened the door,and entered.
Ifollowed him with my eyes.On the end wall beneath his heroes,Isaw the portrait of a woman,still young,and two little children.
Captain Nemo looked at them for some moments,stretched his arms towards them,and,kneeling down,burst into deep sobs.