BATH,December 24,1763.
DEAR FRIEND:I confess I was a good deal surprised at your pressing me so strongly to influence Parson Rosenhagen,when you well know the resolution I had made several years ago,and which I have scrupulously observed ever since,not to concern myself,directly or indirectly,in any party political contest whatsoever.Let parties go to loggerheads as much and as long as they please;I will neither endeavor to part them,nor take the part of either;for I know them all too well.But you say,that Lord Sandwich has been remarkably civil,and kind to you.I am very glad of it,and he can by no means impute to you my obstinacy,folly,or philosophy,call it what you please:you may with great truth assure him,that you did all you could to obey his commands.
I am sorry to find that you are out of order,but I hope it is only a cold;should it be anything more,pray consult Dr.Maty,who did you so much good in your last illness,when the great medicinal Mattadores did you rather harm.I have found a Monsieur Diafoirus here,Dr.Moisy,who has really done me a great deal of good;and I am sure I wanted it a great deal when I came here first.I have recovered some strength,and a little more will give me as much as I can make use of.
Lady Brown,whom I saw yesterday,makes you many compliments;and I wish you a merry Christmas,and a good-night.Adieu !