LONDON,March 11,O.S.1751.
MY DEAR FRIEND:I received by the last post a letter from Abbe Guasco,in which he joins his representations to those of Lord Albemarle,against your remaining any longer in your very bad lodgings at the Academy;and,as I do not find that any advantage can arise to you from being 'interne'
in an academy which is full as far from the riding-house and from all your other masters,as your lodgings will probably be,I agree to your removing to an 'hotel garni';the Abbe will help you to find one,as Idesire him by the inclosed,which you will give him.I must,however,annex one condition to your going into private lodgings,which is an absolute exclusion of English breakfasts and suppers at them;the former consume the whole morning,and the latter employ the evenings very ill,in senseless toasting a l'Angloise in their infernal claret.You will be sure to go to the riding-house as often as possible,that is,whenever your new business at Lord Albemarle's does not hinder you.But,at all events,I insist upon your never missing Marcel,who is at present of more consequence to you than all the bureaux in Europe;for this is the time for you to acquire 'tous ces petits riens',which,though in an arithmetical account,added to one another 'ad infinitum',they would amount to nothing,in the account of the world amount to a great and important sum.'Les agremens et les graces',without which you will never be anything,are absolutely made up of all those 'riens',which are more easily felt than described.By the way,you may take your lodgings for one whole year certain,by which means you may get them much cheaper;for though I intend to see you here in less than a year,it will be but for a little time,and you will return to Paris again,where I intend you shall stay till the end of April twelvemonth,1752,at which time,provided you have got all 'la politesse,les manieres,les attentions,et les graces du beau monde',I shall place you in some business suitable to your destination.
I have received,at last,your present of the cartoon,from Dominichino,by Planchet.It is very finely done,it is pity that he did not take in all the figures of the original.I will hang it up,where it shall be your own again some time or other.
Mr.Harte is returned in perfect health from Cornwall,and has taken possession of his prebendal house at Windsor,which is a very pretty one.
As I dare say you will always feel,I hope you will always express,the strongest sentiments of gratitude and friendship for him.Write to him frequently,and attend to the letters you receive from him.He shall be with us at Blackheath,alias BABIOLE,all the time that I propose you shall be there,which I believe will be the month of August next.