第33章 OF THE CREED(5)
But the term Auferstehung des Fleisches (resurrection of the flesh)here employed is not according to good German idiom.For when we Germans hear the word Fleisch (flesh),we think no farther than of the shambles.But in good German idiom we would say Auferstehung des Leibes,or Leichnams (resurrection of the body).However,it is not a matter of much moment,if we only understand the words aright.
This,now,is the article which must ever be and remain in operation.
For creation we have received;redemption,too,is finished.But the Holy Ghost carries on His work without ceasing to the last day.And for that purpose He has appointed a congregation upon earth by which He speaks and does everything.For He has not yet brought together all His Christian Church nor dispensed forgiveness.Therefore we believe in Him who through the Word daily brings us into the fellowship of this Christian Church,and through the same Word and the forgiveness of sins bestows,increases,and strengthens faith in order that when He has accomplished it all,and we abide therein,and die to the world and to all evil,He may finally make us perfectly and forever holy;which now we expect in faith through the Word.
Behold,here you have the entire divine essence,will,and work depicted most exquisitely in quite short and yet rich words wherein consists all our wisdom,which surpasses and exceeds the wisdom,mind,and reason of all men.For although the whole world with all diligence has endeavored to ascertain what God is,what He has in mind and does,yet has she never been able to attain to [the knowledge and understanding of]any of these things.But here we have everything in richest measure;for here in all three articles He has Himself revealed and opened the deepest abyss of his paternal heart and of His pure unutterable love.For He has created us for this very object,that He might redeem and sanctify us;and in addition to giving and imparting to us everything in heaven and upon earth,He has given to us even His Son and the Holy Ghost,by whom to bring us to Himself.For (as explained above)we could never attain to the knowledge of the grace and favor of the Father except through the Lord Christ,who is a mirror of the paternal heart,outside of whom we see nothing but an angry and terrible Judge.But of Christ we could know nothing either,unless it had been revealed by the Holy Ghost.
These articles of the Creed,therefore,divide and separate us Christians from all other people upon earth.For all outside of Christianity,whether heathen,Turks,Jews,or false Christians and hypocrites,although they believe in,and worship,only one true God,yet know not what His mind towards them is,and cannot expect any love or blessing from Him;therefore they abide in eternal wrath and damnation.For they have not the Lord Christ,and,besides,are not illumined and favored by any gifts of the Holy Ghost.
From this you perceive that the Creed is a doctrine quite different from the Ten Commandments;for the latter teaches indeed what we ought to do,but the former tells what God does for us and gives to us.
Moreover,apart from this,the Ten Commandments are written in the hearts of all men;the Creed,however,no human wisdom can comprehend,but it must be taught by the Holy Ghost alone.The latter doctrine [of the Law],therefore makes no Christian,for the wrath and displeasure of God abide upon us still,because we cannot keep what God demands of us;but this [namely,the doctrine of faith]brings pure grace,and makes us godly and acceptable to God.For by this knowledge we obtain love and delight in all the commandments of God,because here we see that God gives Himself entire to us,with all that He has and is able to do,to aid and direct us in keeping the Ten Commandments --the Father,all creatures;the Son,His entire work;and the Holy Ghost,all His gifts.
Let this suffice concerning the Creed to lay a foundation for the simple,that they may not be burdened,so that,if they understand the substance of it,they themselves may afterwards strive to acquire more,and to refer to these parts whatever they learn in the Scriptures,and may ever grow and increase in richer understanding.For as long as we live here,we shall daily have enough to do to preach and to learn this.