"Mrs. Evelin."
"Why does she leave her employment?"
"To save her eyes, poor soul. When the senior partner, Mr. Farleigh, met with her, she was reduced by family misfortunes to earn her own living. The publishers would have been only too glad to keep her in their office, but for the oculist's report. He declared that she would run the risk of blindness, if she fatigued her weak eyes much longer. There is the only objection to this otherwise invaluable person--she will not be able to read to you.""Can she sing and play?"
"Exquisitely. Mr. Farleigh answers for her music.""And her character?"
"Mr. Halford answers for her character."
"And her manners?"
"A perfect lady. I have seen her and spoken to her; I answer for her manners, and I guarantee her personal appearance.
For a moment Lady Howel hesitated. After a little reflection, she decided that it was her duty to trust her excellent husband. "Iwill receive the charming widow," she said, "to-morrow at twelve o'clock; and, if she produces the right impression, I promise to overlook the weakness of her eyes."IV.