"Do you come to us from Ramsgate?" I began. He only nodded his head. "We don't think much of Ramsgate here," I went on. "There is not an old building in the place. And their first Mayor was only elected the other day!"This point of view seemed to be new to him. He made no attempt to dispute it; he only looked around him, and said: "Sandwich is a melancholy place, miss." He was so rapidly improving in politeness, that I encouraged him by a smile. As a citizen of Sandwich, I may say that we take it as a compliment when we are told that our town is a melancholy place. And why not? Melancholy is connected with dignity. And dignity is associated with age.
And _we_ are old. I teach my pupils logic, among other things--there is a specimen. Whatever may be said to the contrary, women can reason. They can also wander; and I must admit that _I_ am wandering. Did I mention, at starting, that Iwas a governess? If not, that allusion to "pupils" must have come in rather abruptly. Let me make my excuses, and return to my lost stranger.
"Is there any such thing as a straight street in all Sandwich?"he asked.
"Not one straight street in the whole town."
"Any trade, miss?"