With echoing steps the worshippers Departed one by one;The organ's pealing voice was stilled,The vesper hymn was done;The shadows fell from roof and arch,Dim was the incensed air,One lamp alone with trembling ray,Told of the Presence there!
In the dark church she knelt alone;
Her tears were falling fast;
"Help,Lord,"she cried,"the shades of death Upon my soul are cast!
Have I not shunned the path of sin,And chosen the better part?"What voice came through the sacred air?-
"My child,give me thy Heart!"
"Have I not laid before Thy shrine My wealth,oh Lord?"she cried;"Have I kept aught of gems or gold,To minister to pride?
Have I not bade youth's joys retire,And vain delights depart?"-But sad and tender was the voice -
"My child,give me thy Heart!"
"Have I not,Lord,gone day by day Where Thy poor children dwell;And carried help,and gold,and food?
Oh Lord,Thou knowest it well!
From many a house,from many a soul,My hand bids care depart:"-More sad,more tender,was the voice -
"My child,give me thy Heart!"
"Have I not worn my strength away With fast and penance sore?
Have I not watched and wept?"she cried;
"Did Thy dear Saints do more?
Have I not gained Thy grace,oh Lord,And won in Heaven my part?"-It echoed louder in her soul -
"My child,give me thy Heart!"
"For I have loved thee with a love No mortal heart can show;A love so deep,my Saints in heaven Its depths can never know:
When pierced and wounded on the Cross,Man's sin and doom were mine,I loved thee with undying love,Immortal and divine!
"I love thee ere the skies were spread;
My soul bears all thy pains;
To gain thy love my sacred Heart In earthly shrines remains:
Vain are thy offerings,vain thy sighs,Without one gift divine,Give it,my child,thy Heart to me,And it shall rest in mine!"In awe she listened,and the shade Passed from her soul away;In low and trembling voice she cried -
"Lord,help me to obey!
Break Thou the chains of earth,oh Lord,That bind and hold my heart;Let it be Thine,and Thine alone,Let none with Thee have part.
"Send down,oh Lord,Thy sacred fire!
Consume and cleanse the sin That lingers still within its depths:
Let heavenly love begin.
That sacred flame Thy Saints have known,Kindle,oh Lord,in me,Thou above all the rest for ever,And all the rest in Thee."The blessing fell upon her soul;
Her angel by her side Knew that the hour of peace was come;Her soul was purified:
The shadows fell from roof and arch,Dim was the incensed air -But Peace went with her as she left The sacred Presence there!