"Did he enjoy it?"asked the child hopefully.The doctor had been a good deal on her mind.
"Some of the time,"responded Eloise soberly.
"Why not all the time?Did error creep in?"
The older girl brushed away in silence for a minute.
"I didn't mean to talk about grown-up things,"said the child,somewhat abashed."Mother says I must be careful not to.""It is all right,Jewel.The new ideas I have been learning have made me see some things so clearly.One is to perceive what it is that really draws people together in a bond that cannot be broken.There is only one thing that can do it and will do it,and that is loving the same truth.Two people can have a very good time together for a while,and like each other very much,but the time comes when their thoughts fly apart unless that one bond of union is there--unless they love the same spiritual truth."The speaker caught,in the glass,the child's eyes fixed attentively upon her.
"Wouldn't Dr.Ballard look at our book?"asked Jewel softly.
The child reflected a minute,and her eyes filled."I just love him,"she said.
Her cousin stooped and kissed her cheek."You well may,"she returned quietly."He deserves it."They studied the lesson and then went downstairs,where Jewel in her very best hand slowly transcribed her name in the new books;then she told Eloise that she was going out to the barn.
"I'm going to visit with Zeke,"she said."He has a claim of error,and he is willing Science should help him.""Is he ill?"
Jewel looked off."It isn't that kind of error.""There are plenty worse,"rejoined Eloise.She looked doubtfully at the little girl."Wouldn't you better tell me,dear?Is it right for you to go?""Yes,it's right.His mother knows it,and she's so kind to me.What do you think!At breakfast she asked me if I wouldn't like to bring Anna Belle down.She says I can bring her to the table whenever I want to.Isn't it nice?The dear little creature has been so patient,never having a thing to eat!"Eloise could not help laughing,the manner in which Jewel finished was so suddenly quaint;but she shook her head in silent wonder as she watched the short skirted figure setting forth for the barn.
"Oh cousin Eloise."Jewel turned around."Will you come to the ravine after lunch,and see what Anna Belle and I have done?""Yes."
Jewel walked on a little further and turned again."You won't wear your watch,will you?"she called.
"No,I'll surely forget it,"returned the girl,smiling.
The small figure went on,well content.
"Oh,if I could only be invisible in that barn!"soliloquized Eloise.
"How I would like to hear what she will say.How wonderful it is that that little child has more chance of success,whatever trouble Zeke has been getting into,than any full-grown,experienced sage,philosopher,or reformer,who is a worker in mortal mind."Anna Belle came to luncheon that day.Mrs.Forbes actually put a cushion in one of the chairs to lift the honored guest to such a height that her rosy smile was visible above the tablecloth.Not content with this hospitality,the housekeeper brought a bread-and-butter plate,upon which she placed such small proportions of food as might be calculated to tempt a dainty appetite.Jewel felt almost embarrassed by the eminence to which her child was suddenly raised.
"Oh,thank you,Mrs.Forbes,"she said;"you needn't take so much trouble.Anna Belle's just used to having a part of mine."But nothing now was too good for Anna Belle."She shall have a cup-custard to-morrow,"returned the housekeeper.
Mrs.Evringham looked on with lack-lustre eyes.As well make much of Anna Belle as any other idol.Everything was stuffed with sawdust!