"Mrs.Cameron has just been upholding the virtue of a good cup of tea, Jerry, over a hot Scotch after a cold ride.Now what's your unbiased opinion?"A slight grin wrinkled the cracks in Jerry's leather-skin face.
"Hot whisky--good for fun--for cold no good.Whisky good for sleep--for long trail no good.""Thank you, Jerry," cried Mandy enthusiastically.
"Oh, that's all right, Jerry," said the Inspector, joining in the general laugh that followed, "but I don't think Miss Moira here would agree with you in regard to the merits of her national beverage.""Oh, I am not so sure," cried the young lady, entering into the mood of the others."Of course, I am Scotch and naturally stand up for my country and for its customs, but, to be strictly honest, Iremember hearing my brother say that Scotch was bad training for football.""Good again!" cried Mandy."You see, when anything serious is on, the wisest people cut out the Scotch, as the boys say.""You are quite right, Mrs.Cameron," said the Superintendent, becoming grave."On the long trail and in the bitter cold we drop the Scotch and bank on tea.As for whisky, the Lord knows it gives the Police enough trouble in this country.If it were not for the whisky half our work would be cut out.But tell me, how is Mr.
Cameron?" he added, as he handed back his cup for another supply of tea.
"Done up, or more nearly done up than ever I have seen him, or than I ever want to see him again." Mandy paused abruptly, handed him his cup of tea, passed into the pantry and for some moments did not appear again.
"Oh, it was terrible to see him," said Moira, clasping her hands and speaking in an eager, excited voice."He came, poor boy, stumbling toward the door.He had to leave his horse, you know, some miles away.Through the window we saw him coming along--and we did not know him--he staggered as if--as if--actually as if he were drunk." Her laugh was almost hysterical."And he could not find the latch--and when we opened the door his eyes were--oh!--so terrible!--wild--and bloodshot--and blind! Oh, I cannot tell you about it!" she exclaimed, her voice breaking and her tears falling fast."And he could hardly speak to us.We had to cut off his snow-shoes--and his gauntlets and his clothes were like iron.He could not sit down--he just--just--lay on the floor--till--my sister--" Here the girl's sobs interrupted her story.
"Great Heavens!" cried the Superintendent."What a mercy he reached home!"The Inspector had risen and came round to Moira's side.
"Don't try to tell me any more," he said in a husky voice, patting her gently on the shoulder."He is here with us, safe, poor chap.
My God!" he cried in an undertone, "what he must have gone through!"At this point Mandy returned and took her place again quietly by the fire.
"It was this sudden spell of cold that nearly killed him," she said in a quiet voice."He was not fully prepared for it, and it caught him at the end of his trip, too, when he was nearly played out.
You see, he was five weeks away and he had only expected to be three.""Yes, I know, Mrs.Cameron," said the Inspector.
"An unexpected emergency seems to have arisen.""I don't know what it was," replied Mandy."He could tell me little, but he was determined to go on to the fort.""I know something about his plans," said the Inspector."He had proposed a tour of the reserves, beginning with the Piegans and ending with the Bloods.""And we know something of his work, too, Mrs.Cameron," said the Superintendent."Superintendent Strong has sent us a very fine report indeed of your husband's work.We do not talk about these things, you know, in the Police, but we can appreciate them all the same.Superintendent Strong's letter is one you would like to keep.I shall send it to you.Knowing Superintendent Strong as Ido--"
"I know him too," said Mandy with a little laugh.
"Well, then, you will be able to appreciate all the more any word of commendation he would utter.He practically attributes the present state of quiet and the apparent collapse of this conspiracy business to your husband's efforts.This, of course, is no compensation for his sufferings or yours, but I think it right that you should know the facts." The Superintendent had risen to his feet and had delivered his little speech in his very finest manner.
"Thank you," said Mandy simply.
"We had expected him back a week ago," said the Inspector."We know he must have had some serious cause for delay.""I do not know about that," replied Mandy, "but I do know he was most anxious to go on to the fort.He had some information to give, he said, which was of the first importance.And I am glad you are here.He will be saved that trip, which would really be dangerous in his present condition.And I don't believe I could have stopped him, but I should have gone with him.His hour will soon be up.""Don't think of waking him," said the Superintendent."We can wait two hours, or three hours, or more if necessary.Let him sleep.""He would waken himself if he were not so fearfully done up.He has a trick of waking at any hour he sets," said Mandy.
A few minutes later Cameron justified her remarks by appearing from the inner room.The men, accustomed as they were to the ravages of the winter trail upon their comrades, started to their feet in horror.Blindly Cameron felt his way to them, shading his blood-shot eyes from the light.His face was blistered and peeled as if he had come through a fire, his lips swollen and distorted, his hands trembling and showing on every finger the marks of frost bite, and his feet dragging as he shuffled across the floor.
"My dear fellow, my dear fellow," cried the Inspector, springing up to meet him and grasping him by both arms to lead him to a chair.
"You ran it too close that time.Here is the Superintendent to lecture you.Sit down, old man, sit down right here." The Inspector deposited him in the chair, and, striding hurriedly to the window, stood there looking out upon the bleak winter snow.