第37章 A.D.16-19(16)
Flaccus on arriving in Thrace induced the king by great promises, though he hesitated and thought of his guilty deeds, to enter the Roman lines.He then surrounded him with a strong force under pretence of showing him honour, and the tribunes and centurions, by counsel, by persuasion, and by a more undisguised captivity the further he went, brought him, aware at last of his desperate plight, to Rome.He was accused before the Senate by the wife of Cotys, and was condemned to be kept a prisoner far away from his kingdom.Thrace was divided between his son Rhoemetalces, who, it was proved, had opposed his father's designs, and the sons of Cotys.As these were still minors, Trebellienus Rufus, an expraetor, was appointed to govern the kingdom in the meanwhile, after the precedent of our ancestors who sent Marcus Lepidus into Egypt as guardian to Ptolemy's children.
Rhescuporis was removed to Alexandria, and there attempting or falsely charged with attempting escape, was put to death.
About the same time, Vonones, who, as I have related, had been banished to Cilicia, endeavoured by bribing his guards to escape into Armenia, thence to Albania and Heniochia, and to his kinsman, the king of Scythia.Quitting the sea-coast on the pretence of a hunting expedition, he struck into trackless forests, and was soon borne by his swift steed to the river Pyramus, the bridges over which had been broken down by the natives as soon as they heard of the king's escape.Nor was there a ford by which it could be crossed.And so on the river's bank he was put in chains by Vibius Fronto, an officer of cavalry; and then Remmius, an enrolled pensioner, who had previously been entrusted with the king's custody, in pretended rage, pierced him with his sword.Hence there was more ground for believing that the man, conscious of guilty complicity and fearing accusation, had slain Vonones.
Germanicus meanwhile, as he was returning from Egypt, found that all his directions to the legions and to the various cities had been repealed or reversed.This led to grievous insults on Piso, while he as savagely assailed the prince.Piso then resolved to quit Syria.
Soon he was detained there by the failing health of Germanicus, but when he heard of his recovery, while people were paying the vows they had offered for his safety, he went attended by his lictors, drove away the victims placed by the altars with all the preparations for sacrifice, and the festal gathering of the populace of Antioch.Then he left for Seleucia and awaited the result of the illness which had again attacked Germanicus.The terrible intensity of the malady was increased by the belief that he had been poisoned by Piso.And certainly there were found hidden in the floor and in the walls disinterred remains of human bodies, incantations and spells, and the name of Germanicus inscribed on leaden tablets, half-burnt cinders smeared with blood, and other horrors by which in popular belief souls are devoted so the infernal deities.Piso too was accused of sending emissaries to note curiously every unfavourable symptom of the illness.
Germanicus heard of all this with anger, no less than with fear."If my doors," he said, "are to be besieged, if I must gasp out my last breath under my enemies' eyes, what will then be the lot of my most unhappy wife, of my infant children? Poisoning seems tedious; he is in eager haste to have the sole control of the province and the legions.But Germanicus is not yet fallen so low, nor will the murderer long retain the reward of the fatal deed."He then addressed a letter to Piso, renouncing his friendship, and, as many also state, ordered him to quit the province.Piso without further delay weighed anchor, slackening his course that he might not have a long way to return should Germanicus' death leave Syria open to him.
For a brief space the prince's hopes rose; then his frame became exhausted, and, as his end drew near, he spoke as follows to the friends by his side:-"Were I succumbing to nature, I should have just ground of complaint even against the gods for thus tearing me away in my youth by an untimely death from parents, children, country.Now, cut off by the wickedness of Piso and Plancina, I leave to your hearts my last entreaties.Describe to my father and brother, torn by what persecutions, entangled by what plots, I have ended by the worst of deaths the most miserable of lives.If any were touched by my bright prospects, by ties of blood, or even by envy towards me while I lived, they will weep that the once prosperous survivor of so many wars has perished by a woman's treachery.You will have the opportunity of complaint before the Senate, of an appeal to the laws.It is not the chief duty of friends to follow the dead with unprofitable laments, but to remember his wishes, to fulfil his commands.Tears for Germanicus even strangers will shed; vengeance must come from you, if you loved the man more than his fortune.Show the people of Rome her who is the granddaughter of the Divine Augustus, as well as my consort; set before them my six children.Sympathy will be on the side of the accusers, and to those who screen themselves under infamous orders belief or pardon will be refused."His friends clasped the dying man's right hand, and swore that they would sooner lose life than revenge.
He then turned to his wife and implored her by the memory of her husband and by their common offspring to lay aside her high spirit, to submit herself to the cruel blows of fortune, and not, when she returned to Rome, to enrage by political rivalry those who were stronger than herself.This was said openly; other words were whispered, pointing, it was supposed, to his fears from Tiberius.Soon afterwards he expired, to the intense sorrow of the province and of the neighbouring peoples.Foreign nations and kings grieved over him, so great was his courtesy to allies, his humanity to enemies.