The two gentlemen walked with some quickness of step to a distant part of the lobby, where Newman perceived them stop and stand talking.
The manner of each was perfectly quiet, but the stranger, who looked flushed, had begun to wipe his face very emphatically with his pocket-handkerchief.By this time Newman was abreast of the baignoire;the door had been left ajar, and he could see a pink dress inside.
He immediately went in.Mademoiselle Nioche turned and greeted him with a brilliant smile.
"Ah, you have at last decided to come and see me?" she exclaimed.
"You just save your politeness.You find me in a fine moment.
Sit down." There was a very becoming little flush in her cheek, and her eye had a noticeable spark.You would have said that she had received some very good news.
"Something has happened here!" said Newman, without sitting down.
"You find me in a very fine moment," she repeated."Two gentlemen--one of them is M.de Bellegarde, the pleasure of whose acquaintance I owe to you--have just had words about your humble servant.
Very big words too.They can't come off without crossing swords.
A duel--that will give me a push!" cried Mademoiselle Noemie clapping her little hands."C'est ca qui pose une femme!""You don't mean to say that Bellegarde is going to fight about YOU!"exclaimed Newman, disgustedly.
"Nothing else!" and she looked at him with a hard little smile.
"No, no, you are not galant! And if you prevent this affair Ishall owe you a grudge--and pay my debt!"Newman uttered an imprecation which, though brief--it consisted simply of the interjection "Oh!" followed by a geographical, or more correctly, perhaps a theological noun in four letters--had better not be transferred to these pages.He turned his back without more ceremony upon the pink dress and went out of the box.
In the corridor he found Valentin and his companion walking towards him.
The latter was thrusting a card into his waistcoat pocket.
Mademoiselle Noemie's jealous votary was a tall, robust young man with a thick nose, a prominent blue eye, a Germanic physiognomy, and a massive watch-chain.When they reached the box, Valentin with an emphasized bow made way for him to pass in first.
Newman touched Valentin's arm as a sign that he wished to speak with him, and Bellegarde answered that he would be with him in an instant.
Valentin entered the box after the robust young man, but a couple of minutes afterwards he reappeared, largely smiling.
"She is immensely tickled," he said."She says we will make her fortune.
I don't want to be fatuous, but I think it is very possible.""So you are going to fight?" said Newman.
"My dear fellow, don't look so mortally disgusted.It was not my choice.
The thing is all arranged."
"I told you so!" groaned Newman.
"I told HIM so," said Valentin, smiling.
"What did he do to you?"
"My good friend, it doesn't matter what.He used an expression--I took it up."
"But I insist upon knowing; I can't, as your elder brother, have you rushing into this sort of nonsense.""I am very much obliged to you," said Valentin."I have nothing to conceal, but I can't go into particulars now and here.""We will leave this place, then.You can tell me outside.""Oh no, I can't leave this place, why should I hurry away?
I will go to my orchestra-stall and sit out the opera.""You will not enjoy it; you will be preoccupied."Valentin looked at him a moment, colored a little, smiled, and patted him on the arm."You are delightfully simple! Before an affair a man is quiet.
The quietest thing I can do is to go straight to my place.""Ah," said Newman, "you want her to see you there--you and your quietness.
I am not so simple! It is a poor business."Valentin remained, and the two men, in their respective places, sat out the rest of the performance, which was also enjoyed by Mademoiselle Nioche and her truculent admirer.At the end Newman joined Valentin again, and they went into the street together.
Valentin shook his head at his friend's proposal that he should get into Newman's own vehicle, and stopped on the edge of the pavement.
"I must go off alone," he said; "I must look up a couple of friends who will take charge of this matter.""I will take charge of it," Newman declared."Put it into my hands.""You are very kind, but that is hardly possible.In the first place, you are, as you said just now, almost my brother; you are about to marry my sister.
That alone disqualifies you; it casts doubts on your impartiality.
And if it didn't, it would be enough for me that I strongly suspect you of disapproving of the affair.You would try to prevent a meeting.""Of course I should," said Newman."Whoever your friends are, I hope they will do that.""Unquestionably they will.They will urge that excuses be made, proper excuses.But you would be too good-natured.You won't do."Newman was silent a moment.He was keenly annoyed, but he saw it was useless to attempt interference.
"When is this precious performance to come off?" he asked.
"The sooner the better," said Valentin."The day after to-morrow, I hope.""Well," said Newman, "I have certainly a claim to know the facts.
I can't consent to shut my eyes to the matter.""I shall be most happy to tell you the facts," said Valentin.
"They are very simple, and it will be quickly done.
But now everything depends on my putting my hands on my friends without delay.I will jump into a cab;you had better drive to my room and wait for me there.
I will turn up at the end of an hour."
Newman assented protestingly, let his friend go, and then betook himself to the picturesque little apartment in the Rue d'Anjou.It was more than an hour before Valentin returned, but when he did so he was able to announce that he had found one of his desired friends, and that this gentleman had taken upon himself the care of securing an associate.
Newman had been sitting without lights by Valentin's faded fire, upon which he had thrown a log; the blaze played over the richly-encumbered little sitting-room and produced fantastic gleams and shadows.