"We never yet," continued the tall Jew, "have had any secret intercourse with your enemies, and we will have nothing to do with Catholics; may the evil one fly away with them! We are like own brothers to the Zaporozhtzi.""What! the Zaporozhtzi are brothers to you!" exclaimed some one in the crowd."Don't wait! the cursed Jews! Into the Dnieper with them, gentles! Drown all the unbelievers!"These words were the signal.They seized the Jews by the arms and began to hurl them into the waves.Pitiful cries resounded on all sides; but the stern Zaporozhtzi only laughed when they saw the Jewish legs, cased in shoes and stockings, struggling in the air.The poor orator who had called down destruction upon himself jumped out of the caftan, by which they had seized him, and in his scant parti-coloured under waistcoat clasped Bulba's legs, and cried, in piteous tones, "Great lord! gracious noble! I knew your brother, the late Doroscha.
He was a warrior who was an ornament to all knighthood.I gave him eight hundred sequins when he was obliged to ransom himself from the Turks.""You knew my brother?" asked Taras.
"By heavens, I knew him.He was a magnificent nobleman.""And what is your name?"
"Good," said Taras; and after reflecting, he turned to the Cossacks and spoke as follows: "There will always be plenty of time to hang the Jew, if it proves necessary; but for to-day give him to me."So saying, Taras led him to his waggon, beside which stood his Cossacks."Crawl under the waggon; lie down, and do not move.And you, brothers, do not surrender this Jew."So saying, he returned to the square, for the whole crowd had long since collected there.All had at once abandoned the shore and the preparation of the boats; for a land-journey now awaited them, and not a sea-voyage, and they needed horses and waggons, not ships.All, both young and old, wanted to go on the expedition; and it was decided, on the advice of the chiefs, the hetmans of the kurens, and the Koschevoi, and with the approbation of the whole Zaporozhtzian army, to march straight to Poland, to avenge the injury and disgrace to their faith and to Cossack renown, to seize booty from the cities, to burn villages and grain, and spread their glory far over the steppe.
All at once girded and armed themselves.The Koschevoi grew a whole foot taller.He was no longer the timid executor of the restless wishes of a free people, but their untrammelled master.He was a despot, who know only to command.All the independent and pleasure-loving warriors stood in an orderly line, with respectfully bowed heads, not venturing to raise their eyes, when the Koschevoi gave his orders.He gave these quietly, without shouting and without haste, but with pauses between, like an experienced man deeply learned in Cossack affairs, and carrying into execution, not for the first time, a wisely matured enterprise.
"Examine yourselves, look well to yourselves; examine all your equipments thoroughly," he said; "put your teams and your tar-boxes[3]