THERE are of are of knowledge two kinds,whereof one is knowledge of fact;the other,knowledge of the consequence of one affirmation to another.The former is nothing else but sense and memory,and is absolute knowledge;as when we see a fact doing,or remember it done;and this is the knowledge required in a witness.The latter is called science,and is conditional;as when we know that:if the figure shown be a circle,then any straight line through the center shall divide it into two equal parts.And this is the knowledge required in a philosopher;that is to say,of him that pretends to reasoning.
The register of knowledge of fact is called history,whereof there be two sorts:one called natural history;which is the history of such facts,or effects of Nature,as have no dependence on man's will;such as are the histories of metals,plants,animals,regions,and the like.The other is civil history,which is the history of the voluntary actions of men in Commonwealths.
The registers of science are such books as contain the demonstrations of consequences of one affirmation to another;and are commonly called books of philosophy;whereof the sorts are many,according to the diversity of the matter;and may be divided in such manner as I have divided them in the following table.
I.SCIENCE,that is,knowledge of consequences;which is called also PHILOSOPHYA.Consequences from accidents of bodies natural;which is called NATURAL PHILOSOPHY1.Consequences from accidents common to all bodies natural;which are quantity,and motion.
a.Consequences from quantity,and motion indeterminate;which,being the principles or first foundation of philosophy,is called philosophia prima PHILOSOPHIA PRIMAb.Consequences from motion,and quantity determined 1)Consequences from quantity,and motion determined a)By figure,By number 1]Mathematics,GEOMETRYARITHMETIC
2)Consequences from motion,and quantity of bodies in special a)Consequences from motion,and quantity of the great parts of the world,as the earth and stars,1]Cosmography ASTRONOMYGEOGRAPHY
b)Consequences from motion of special kinds,and figures of body,1]Mechanics,doctrine of weight Science of ENGINEERSARCHITECTURE
2.PHYSICS,or consequences from qualities a.Consequences from qualities of bodies transient,such as sometimes appear,sometimes vanish METEOROLOGYb.Consequences from qualities of bodies permanent 1)Consequences from qualities of stars a)Consequences from the light of the stars.Out of this,and the motion of the sun,is made the science of SCIOGRAPHYb)Consequences from the influence of the stars,ASTROLOGY2)Consequences of qualities from liquid bodies that fill the space between the stars;such as are the air,or substance etherial 3)Consequences from qualities of bodies terrestrial a)Consequences from parts of the earth that are without sense,1]Consequences from qualities of minerals,as stones,metals,etc.
2]Consequences from the qualities of vegetables b)Consequences from qualities of animals 1]Consequences from qualities of animals in general a]Consequences from vision,OPTICSb]Consequences from sounds,MUSIC
c]Consequences from the rest of the senses 2]Consequences from qualities of men in special a]Consequences from passions of men,ETHICSb]Consequences from speech,i)In magnifying,vilifying,etc.
ii)In persuading,RHETORIC
iii)In reasoning,LOGIC
iv)In contracting,The Science of JUST and UNJUSTB.Consequences from accidents of politic bodies;which is called POLITICS,AND CIVIL PHILOSOPHY1.Of consequences from the institution of COMMONWEALTHS,to the rights,and duties of the body politic,or sovereign 2.Of consequences from the same,to the duty and right of the subjects CHAPTER XOF POWER,WORTH,DIGNITY,HONOUR AND WORTHINESSTHE POWER of a man,to take it universally,is his present means to obtain some future apparent good,and is either original or instrumental.
Natural power is the eminence of the faculties of body,or mind;as extraordinary strength,form,prudence,arts,eloquence,liberality,nobility.Instrumental are those powers which,acquired by these,or by fortune,are means and instruments to acquire more;as riches,reputation,friends,and the secret working of God,which men call good luck.For the nature of power is,in this point,like to fame,increasing as it proceeds;or like the motion of heavy bodies,which,the further they go,make still the more haste.
The greatest of human powers is that which is compounded of the powers of most men,united by consent,in one person,natural or civil,that has the use of all their powers depending on his will;such as is the power of a Commonwealth:or depending on the wills of each particular;such as is the power of a faction,or of diverse.
factions leagued.Therefore to have servants is power;to have friends is power:for they are strengths united.
Also,riches joined with liberality is power;because it procureth friends and servants:without liberality,not so;because in this case they defend not,but expose men to envy,as a prey.
Reputation of power is power;because it draweth with it the adherence of those that need protection.
So is reputation of love of a man's country,called popularity,for the same reason.
Also,what quality soever maketh a man beloved or feared of many,or the reputation of such quality,is power;because it is a means to have the assistance and service of many.
Good success is power;because it maketh reputation of wisdom or good fortune,which makes men either fear him or rely on him.
Affability of men already in power is increase of power;because it gaineth love.
Reputation of prudence in the conduct of peace or war is power;because to prudent men we commit the government of ourselves more willingly than to others.