第58章 The Trick River (1)
Next morning they pushed the raft into the water and all got aboard.The Quadling man had to hold the log craft fast while they took their places, and the flow of the river was so powerful that it nearly tore the raft from his hands.As soon as they were all seated upon the logs he let go and away it floated and the adventurers had begun their voyage toward the Winkie Country.
The little house of the Quadlings was out of sight almost before they had cried their good-byes, and the Scarecrow said in a pleased voice:
"It won't take us long to get to the Winkie Country, at this rate."They had floated several miles down the stream and were enjoying the ride when suddenly the raft slowed up, stopped short, and then began to float back the way it had come.
"Why, what's wrong?" asked Dorothy, in astonishment; but they were all just as bewildered as she was and at first no one could answer the question.Soon, however, they realized the truth:
that the current of the river had reversed and the water was now flowing in the opposite direction--toward the mountains.
They began to recognize the scenes they had passed, and by and by they came in sight of the little house of the Quadlings again.The man was standing on the river bank and he called to them:
"How do you do? Glad to see you again.I forgot to tell you that the river changes its direction every little while.Sometimes it flows one way, and sometimes the other."They had no time to answer him, for the raft was swept past the house and a long distance on the other side of it.
"We're going just the way we don't want to go," said Dorothy, "and I guess the best thing we can do is to get to land before we're carried any farther."But they could not get to land.They had no oars, nor even a pole to guide the raft with.
The logs which bore them floated in the middle of the stream and were held fast in that position by the strong current.
So they sat still and waited and, even while they were wondering what could be done, the raft slowed down, stopped, and began drifting the other way--in the direction it had first followed.After a time they repassed the Quadling house and the man was still standing on the bank.He cried out to them:
"Good day! Glad to see you again.I expect I shall see you a good many times, as you go by, unless you happen to swim ashore."By that time they had left him behind and were headed once more straight toward the Winkie Country.
"This is pretty hard luck," said Ojo in a discouraged voice."The Trick River keeps changing, it seems, and here we must float back and forward forever, unless we manage in some way to get ashore.""Can you swim?" asked Dorothy.
"No; I'm Ojo the Unlucky."
"Neither can I.Toto can swim a little, but that won't help us to get to shore.""I don't know whether I could swim, or not,"remarked Scraps; "but if I tried it I'd surely ruin my lovely patches.""My straw would get soggy in the water and I would sink," said the Scarecrow.
So there seemed no way out of their dilemma and being helpless they simply sat still.Ojo, who was on the front of the raft, looked over into the water and thought he saw some large fishes swimming about.He found a loose end of the clothesline which fastened the logs together, and taking a gold nail from his pocket he bent it nearly double, to form a hook, and tied it to the end of the line.Having baited the hook with some bread which he broke from his loaf, he dropped the line into the water and almost instantly it was seized by a great fish.
They knew it was a great fish, because it pulled so hard on the line that it dragged the raft forward even faster than the current of the river had carried it.The fish was frightened, and it was a strong swimmer.As the other end of the clothesline was bound around the logs he could not get it away, and as he had greedily swallowed the gold hook at the first bite he could not get rid of that, either.
When they reached the place where the current had before changed, the fish was still swimming ahead in its wild attempt to escape.The raft slowed down, yet it did not stop, because the fish would not let it.It continued to move in the same direction it had been going.As the current reversed and rushed backward on its course it failed to drag the raft with it.Slowly, inch by inch, they floated on, and the fish tugged and tugged and kept them going.
"I hope he won't give up," said Ojo anxiously.
"If the fish can hold out until the current changes again, we'll be all right."The fish did not give up, but held the raft bravely on its course, till at last the water in the river shifted again and floated them the way they wanted to go.But now the captive fish found its strength failing.Seeking a refuge, it began to drag the raft toward the shore.As they did not wish to land in this place the boy cut the rope with his pocket-knife and set the fish free, just in time to prevent the raft from grounding.
The next time the river backed up the Scarecrow managed to seize the branch of a tree that overhung the water and they all assisted him to hold fast and prevent the raft from being carried backward.While they waited here, Ojo spied a long broken branch lying upon the bank, so he leaped ashore and got it.When he had stripped off the side shoots he believed he could use the branch as a pole, to guide the raft in case of emergency.