Asparagus (unnamed species from Kew) (Liliaceae) moves against the sun, placed in hothouse.
Dec.26, 1st circle was made in5027, 2nd 540
Tamus communis (Dioscoreaceae).A young shoot from a tuber in a pot placed in the greenhouse: follows the sun.
July, 7, 1st circle was made in3107, 2nd 238
8, 3rd 35
8, 4th 256
8, 5th 230
8, 6th 230
Lapagerea rosea (Philesiaceae), in greenhouse, follows the sun.
March 9, 1st circle was made in 2615 (shoot young)10, semicircle815
11, 2nd circle 110
12, 3rd 1530
13, 4th 1415
16, 5th 840 when placed in the hothouse; but the next day the shoot remained stationary.
Roxburghia viridiflora (Roxburghiaceae) moves against the sun; it completed a circle in about 24 hours.
Humulus Lupulus (Urticaceae) follows the sun.The plant was kept in a room during warm weather.
April 9, 2 circles were made in416Aug.13, 3rd circle was2014, 4th 220
14, 5th 216
14, 6th 22
14, 7th 20
14, 8th 24
With the Hop a semicircle was performed, in travelling from the light, in 1 hr.33 m.; in travelling to the light, in 1 hr.13 m.;difference of rate, 20 m.
Akebia quinata (Lardizabalaceae), placed in hothouse, moves against the sun.
March 17, 1st circle was made in 40 (shoot young)18, 2nd 140
18, 3rd 130
19, 4th 145
Stauntonia latifolia (Lardizabalaceae), placed in hothouse, moves against the sun.
H. M.
March 28, 1st circle was made in 33029, 2nd 345
Sphaerostemma marmoratum (Schizandraceae) follows the sun.
August 5th, 1st circle was made in about2405th, 2nd circle was made in 18 30Stephania rotunda (Menispermaceae) moves against the sunH.M.
May 27, 1st circle was made in 5530, 2nd76June 2, 3rd5153, 4th628Thryallis brachystachys (Malpighiaceae) moves against the sun: one shoot made a circle in 12 hrs., and another in 10 hrs.30 m.; but the next day, which was much colder, the first shoot took 10 hrs.to perform only a semicircle.
Hibbertia dentata (Dilleniaceae), placed in the hothouse, followed the sun, and made (May 18th) a circle in 7 hrs.20 m.; on the 19th, reversed its course, and moved against the sun, and made a circle in 7 hrs.; on the 20th, moved against the sun one-third of a circle, and then stood still; on the 26th, followed the sun for two-thirds of a circle, and then returned to its starting-point, taking for this double course 11 hrs.46 m.
Sollya Drummondii (Pittosporaceae) moves against the sun kept in greenhouse.
April 4, 1st circle was made in425
5, 2nd 80 (very cold day)6, 3rd 625
7, 4th 75
Polygonum dumetorum (Polygonaceae).This case is taken from Dutrochet (p.299), as I observed, no allied plant: follows the sun.Three shoots, cut off a plant, and placed in water made circles in 3 hrs.10 m., 5 hrs.20 m., and 7 hrs.15 m.
Wistaria Chinensis (Leguminosae), in greenhouse, moves against the sun.
May 13, 1st circle was made in 35
13, 2nd3 20
16, 3rd25
24, 4th3 21
25, 5th2 37
25, 6th2 35
Phaseolus vulgaris (Leguminosae), in greenhouse, moves against the sun.
May, 1st circle was made in 202nd1 55
3rd1 55
Dipladenia urophylla (Apocynaceae) moves against the sun.
H. M.
April 18, 1st circle was made in8019, 2nd915
30, 3rd940
Dipladenia crassinoda moves against the sun.
May 16, 1st circle was made in 95July 20, 2nd 8021, 3rd 85
Ceropegia Gardnerii (Asclepiadaceae) moves against the sun.
Shoot very young, 2 inches }
in length} 1st circle was performed in 755Shoot still young2nd 70Long shoot3rd 633Long shoot4th 515Long shoot5th 645Stephanotis floribunda (Asclepiadaceae) moves against the sun and made a circle in 6 hrs.40 m., a second circle in about 9 hrs.
Hoya carnosa (Asclepiadaceae) made several circles in from 16 hrs.to 22 hrs.or 24 hrs.
Ipomaea purpurea (Convolvulaceae) moves against the sun.Plant placed in room with lateral light.
{Semicircle, from the light in 1st circle was made in 2 hrs.42 m.{ 1 hr.14 m., to the light { 1 hr.28 m.: difference 14 m.
{Semicircle, from the light in 2nd circle was made in 2 hrs.47 m.{ 1 hr.17 m., to the light 1 hr.
{ 30 m.: difference 13 m.
Ipomaea jucunda (Convolvulaceae) moves against the sun, placed in my study, with windows facing the north-east.Weather hot.
{Semicircle, from the light in 1st circle was made in 5 hrs.30 m.{ 4 hrs.30 m., to the light 1hr.
{ 0 m.: difference 3 hrs.30 m.
2nd circle was made in 5 hrs. {Semicircle, from the light in 20 m.(Late in afternoon: { 3 hrs.50 m., to the light 1hr.
circle completed at 6 hrs.40 m.{ 30 m.: difference 2 hrs.20 m.
We have here a remarkable instance of the power of light in retarding and hastening the revolving movement.(See ERRATA.)Convolvulus sepium (large-flowered cultivated var.) moves against the sun.Two circles, were made each in 1 hr.42 m.: difference in semicircle from and to the light 14 m.
Rivea tiliaefolia (Convolvulaceae) moves against the sun, made four revolutions in 9 hrs.; so that, on an average, each was performed in 2 hrs.15 m.
Plumbago rosea (Plumbaginaceae) follows the sun.The shoot did not begin to revolve until nearly a yard in height; it then made a fine circle in 10 hrs.45 m.During the next few days it continued to move, but irregularly.On August 15th the shoot followed, during a period of 10 hrs.40 m., a long and deeply zigzag course and then made a broad ellipse.The figure apparently represented three ellipses, each of which averaged 3 hrs.38 m.for its completion.
Jasminum pauciflorum, Bentham (Jasminaceae), moves against the sun.
A circle was made in 7 hrs.15 m., and a second rather more quickly.
Clerodendrum Thomsonii (Verbenaceae) follows the sun.
H. M.
April 12, 1st circle was made in 545 (shoot very young)14, 2nd330{(directly after the 18, a semicircle 50 { plant was shaken { on being moved)19, 3rd circle30
20, 4th420
Tecoma jasminoides (Bignoniaceae) moves against the sun.
March 17, 1st circle was made in 63019, 2nd7022, 3rd830 (very cold day)24, 4th645Thunbergia alata (Acanthaceae) moves against sun.