"Yes," answered the young inventor, as he closed, and locked, the lowlibrary window, for there was a chilly breeze blowing."I think I will have to rig up the burglar alarm on my shop again.I don't want to take any chances.""Do you remember what we were talking about, when that interruption came?" asked Mr.Period, after a pause."You were saying, Tom, that you had made up your mind, and that was as far as you got.What is your answer to my offer?""Well," spoke the lad slowly, and with a smile, "I think I will--""Now don't say 'no'"; interrupted the picture man."If you are going to say 'no' take five minutes more, or even ten, and think it over carefully.I want you--""I wasn't going to say 'no,'" replied Tom."I have decided to accept your offer, and I'll get right at work on the electrical camera, and see what I can do in the way of getting moving pictures for you.""You will? Say, that's great! That's fine! I knew you would accept, but I was the least bit afraid you might not, without more urging.""Of course," began Tom, "it will take--"
"Not another word.Just wait a minute," interrupted Mr.Period in his breezy fashion."Take this."He quickly filled out a check and handed it to Tom.
"Now sign this contract, which merely says that you will do your best to get pictures for me, and that you won't do it for any other concern, and everything will be all right.Sign there," he added, pointing to a dotted line, and thrusting a fountain pen into Tom's hand.The lad read over the agreement, which was fair enough, and signed it, and Ned affixed his name as a witness.
"Now when can you go?" asked Mr.Period eagerly.
"Not before Spring, I'm afraid," replied Torn."I have first to make the camera, and then my airship needs overhauling if I am to go on such long trips as will be necessary in case I am to get views of wild beasts in the jungle.""Well, make it as soon as you can," begged Mr.Period."I can have the films early next Fall then, and they will be in season for the Winter runs at the theatres.Now, I'm the busiest man in the world, and I believe I havelost five hundred dollars by coming here to-night.Still, I don't regret it.I'm going back now, and I'll expect to hear from you when you are ready to start.There's my address.Good-bye," and thrusting a card into Tom's hand he hurried out of the room.
"Won't you stop all night?" called Mr.Swift after him.
"Sorry.I'd like to but can't.Got a big contract I must close in New York to-morrow morning.I've ordered a special train to be at the Shopton station in half an hour, and I must catch that.Good night!" and Mr.Period hurried away.
"Say, he's a hustler all right!" exclaimed Ned.
"Yes, and I've got to hustle if I invent that camera," added Tom."It's got to be a specially fast one, and one that can take pictures from a long distance.Electricity is the thing to use, I guess.""Then you are really going off on this trip.Tom?" asked his father, rather wistfully.
"I'm afraid I am," replied his son."I thought I could stay at home for a while, but it seems not.""I was in hopes you could give me a little time to help me on my gyroscope invention," went on the aged man."But I suppose it will keep until you come back.It is nearly finished.""Yes, and I don't like stopping work on my noiseless motor," spoke Tom."But that will have to wait, too.""Do you know where you are going?" inquired Ned.
"Well, I'll have to do considerable traveling I suppose to get all the films he wants.But once I'm started I'll like it I guess.Of course you're coming, Ned.""I hope so."