第91章 CCII
King Marsilies, when he sees Baligant, Calls to him then two Spanish Sarazands:
"Take me by the arms, and so lift up my back."One of his gloves he takes in his left hand;Then says Marsile: "Sire, king and admiral, Quittance I give you here of all my land, With Sarraguce, and the honour thereto hangs.
Myself I've lost; my army, every man."
He answers him: "Therefore the more I'm sad.
No long discourse together may we have;
Full well I know, Charles waits not our attack, I take the glove from you, in spite of that."He turned away in tears, such grief he had.
Down by the steps, out of the palace ran, Mounted his horse, to's people gallopped back.
Cantered so far, he came before his band;From hour to hour then, as he went, he sang:
"Pagans, come on: already flee the Franks!"AOI.