He is fast bound by all that he has said.
He will not fail, for all the gold neath heav'n, But go to Aix, where Charles court is held:
His men applaud, for so they counselled.
After he called two of his chevaliers, One Clarifan, and the other Clarien:
"You are the sons of king Maltraien, Freely was, wont my messages to bear.
You I command to Sarraguce to fare.
Marsiliun on my part you shall tell Against the Franks I'm come to give him help, Find I their host, great battle shall be there;Give him this glove, that's stitched with golden thread, On his right hand let it be worn and held;This little wand of fine gold take as well, Bid him come here, his homage to declare.
To France I'll go, and war with Charles again;Save at my feet he kneel, and mercy beg, Save all the laws of Christians he forget, I'll take away the crown from off his head."Answer pagans: "Sire, you say very well."