Charles the Great, when he sees the admiral And the dragon, his ensign and standard; --(In such great strength are mustered those Arabs Of that country they've covered every part Save only that whereon the Emperour was.)The King of France in a loud voice has called:
"Barons and Franks, good vassals are ye all, Ye in the field have fought so great combats;See the pagans; they're felons and cowards, No pennyworth is there in all their laws.
Though they've great hosts, my lords, what matters that?
Let him go hence, who'ld fail me in the attack."Next with both spurs he's gored his horse's flanks, And Tencendor has made four bounds thereat.
Then say the Franks: "This King's a good vassal.
Canter, brave lord, for none of us holds back."