BedreddinVizier of Yemenhad a young brother of singular beauty and kept strait watch over him. So he applied himself to seek a governor for him and coming upon an elder of dignified and reverend aspectchaste and piouslodged him in a house next his ownwhence he used to come daily to the Vizier's dwellingto teach the latter's brother. After awhilethe old man's heart was taken with love for his pupil and longing grew upon him and his entrails were troubledtillone dayhe made moan of his case to the boywho said'What can I doseeing that I may not leave my brother day or night? Thou seest how careful he is over me.'Quoth the governor'My lodging adjoins thine;sowhen thy brother sleepsdo thou rise and entering the wardrobefeign thyself asleep. Then come to the parapet of the roof and I will receive thee on the other side of the wall;so shalt thou sit with me awhile and return without thy brother's knowledge.'I hear and obey,'answered the boy. So,when awhile of the night was pasthe entered the closet and waited till his brother lay down on his bed and was drowned in sleepwhen he rose and going to the parapet of the rooffound the governor awaiting himwho gave him his hand and carried him to the sitting-chamberwhere he had made ready various dainties for his entertainmentand they sat down to carouse.
Now it was the night of the full moonand as they satpassing the wine-cup to one anotherher rays shone upon themand the governor fell to singing. Butwhilst they were thus in mirth and joyance and good cheersuch as confounds the wit and the sight and defies deionthe Vizier awoke and missing his brotherarose in affright and found the door open. So he went up to the roof and hearing a noise of talkpeeped over the parapet and saw a light shining in the governor's lodging. He looked in and espied his brother and his governor sitting carousing: but the latter became aware of him and sang the following versescup in handto a lively measure:
He gave me wine to drinkof his mouth's nectar rareToasting with down of cheeks and what adjoineth there;Then passed with me the nightembracingcheek to cheekA loveling midst mankind unpeered and past compare.
The full moon gazed on us all night;pray then to herSo to his brother she to tell of us forbear.
Now the Vizier was a merry man;sowhen he heard thishe said'By AllahI will not betray you!'And he went away and left them to their diversion.