It is told that Haroun er Reshid was sitting one day on the throne of the Khalifatewhen there came in to him a youth of his eunuchsbearing a crown of red goldset with pearls and rubies and all manner other jewelssuch as money might not buyand kissing the ground before himsaid'O Commander of the Faithfulthe lady Zubeideh kisses the earth before thee and saith to theethou knowest she hath let make this crownwhich lacks a great jewel for its top;and she hath made search among her treasuresbut cannot find a jewel to her mind.'Quoth the Khalif to his chamberlains and officers'Make search for a great jewelsuch as Zubeideh desires.'So they soughtbut found nothing befitting her and told the Khalifwho was vexed thereat and exclaimed'Am I Khalif and king of the kings of the earth and lack of a jewel? Out on ye! Enquire of the merchants.'So they enquired of the merchantswho replied'Our lord the Khalif will not find a jewel such as he requires save with a man of Bassoraby name Abou Mohammed the Lazy.'They acquainted the Khalif with this and he bade his Vizier Jaafer send a letter to the Amir Mohammed ez Zubeidigovernor of Bassoracommanding him to equip Abou Mohammed the Lazy and bring him to Baghdad.
Jaafer accordingly wrote a letter to that effect and despatched it by Mesrourwho set out forthright for Bassora and went in to the governorwho rejoiced in him and entreated him with the utmost honour. Then Mesrour read him the Khalif's mandateto which he replied'I hear and obey,'and forthwith despatched himwith a company of his followersto Abou Mohammed's house.
When they reached itthey knocked at the doorwhereupon a servant came out and Mesrour said to him'Tell thy master that the Commander of the Faithful calls for him.'The servant went in and told his masterwho came out and found Mesrourthe Khalif's chamberlainand a company of the governor's men at the door. So he kissed the earth before Mesrour and said'I hear and obey the summons of the Commander of the Faithful;but enter ye my house.'
'We cannot do that,'replied Mesrour'save in haste;for the Commander of the Faithful awaits thy coming.'But he said'Have patience with me a littletill I set my affairs in order.'So,after much pressure and persuasionthey entered and found the corridor hung with curtains of blue brocadefigured with gold,and Abou Mohammed bade one of his servants carry Mesrour to the bath. Now this bath was in the house and Mesrour found its walls and floor of rare and precious marbleswrought with gold and silverand its waters mingled with rose-water. The servants served Mesrour and his company on the most perfect wise and clad themon their going forth of the bathin robes of honour of brocadeinterwoven with gold.
Then they went in to Abou Mohammed and found him seated in his upper chamber upon a couch inlaid with jewels. Over his head hung curtains of gold brocadewrought with pearls and jewelsand the place was spread with cushionsembroidered in red gold. When he saw Mesrourhe rose to receive him and bidding him welcome,seated him by his side. Then he called for food: so they brought the table of foodwhich when Mesrour sawhe exclaimed'By Allahnever saw I the like of this in the palace of the Commander of the Faithful!'For indeed it comprised all manner of meatsserved in dishes of gilded porcelain. So they ate and drank and made merry till the end of the daywhen Abou Mohammed gave Mesrour and each of his company five thousand diners;and on the morrow he clad them in dresses of honour of green and gold and entreated them with the utmost honour. Then said Mesrour to him'We can abide no longerfor fear of the Khalif's displeasure.'O my lord,'answered Abou Mohammed'have patience with us till to-morrowthat we may equip ourselvesand we will then depart with you.'So they tarried that day and night with him;and next morningAbou Mohammed's servants saddled him a mule with housings and trappings of goldset with all manner pearls and jewels;whereupon quoth Mesrour in himself'I wonder ifwhen he presents himself in this equipage before the Commander of the Faithfulhe will ask him how he came by all this wealth.'
Then they took leave of Ez Zubeidi and setting out from Bassora,fared onwithout stoppingtill they reached Baghdad and presented themselves before the Khalif who bade Abou Mohammed be seated. So he sat down and addressing the Khalif in courtly wise,said to him'O Commander of the FaithfulI have brought with me a present by way of homage: have I thy leave to produce it?'
'There is no harm in that,'replied the Khalif;whereupon Abou Mohammed caused bring in a chestfrom which he took a number of rarities and amongst the resttrees of goldwith leaves of emerald and fruits of rubies and topazes and pearls. Then he fetched another chest and brought out of it a pavilion of brocadeadorned with pearls and rubies and emeralds and chrysolites and other precious stones;its poles were of the finest Indian aloes-woodand its skirts were set with emeralds.
Thereon were depicted all manner beasts and birds and other created thingsspangled with rubies and emeralds and chrysolites and balass rubies and other precious stones.
When Er Reshid saw these thingshe rejoiced exceedinglyand Abou Mohammed said to him'O Commander of the Faithfuldeem not that I have brought these to theefearing aught or coveting aught;but I knew myself to be but a man of the people and that these things befitted none save the Commander of the Faithful.