Shall I then abase my estatethat thine may exalted become? By Godhadst thou generous beenthe like should thy conduct requite!
So now unto solace I'll turn my heartwith forgettingfrom thee And washing my hands of thy thoughtblot despair for thee out of my spright.
'By AllahO my lady,'said I'there needs but the reading of this letterto kill him!'So I tore it in pieces and said to her'Write him other than this.'I hear and obey,'answered she and wrote the following:
IndeedI am consoled and sleep is pleasant to mine eyes;For I have heard what came of prate of slanderers and spies.
My heart my summons hath obeyedthee to forget;and eke My lids to stint from wake for thee have seen it good and wise.
He lies who says that severance is bitterness;for me I find its taste none otherwise than sweet;indeed he lies.
I've grown to turn away from those who bring me news of thee And look upon it as a thing at which my gorge doth rise.
BeholdI have forgotten thee with every part of me. Let then the spy and who will else this know and recognise.
'By AllahO my lady,'said I'when he reads these verseshis soul will depart his body!'O Ibn Mensour,'quoth she'is passion indeed come to such a pass with him as thou sayst?'
'Had I said more than this,'replied I'it were but the truth:
but clemency is of the nature of the noble.'When she heard thisher eyes filled with tears and she wrote him a letterO Commander of the Faithfulthere is none in thy court could avail to write the like of it;and therein were these verses:
How long shall this despite continue and this pride? My enviers'spite on me thou sure hast satisfied.
MayhapI did amiss and knew it not;so tell Me what thou heardst of methat did our loves divide.
Even as I welcome sleep unto mine eyes and lidsSo would I welcome theebelovedto my side.
I've quaffed the cup of love for theeunmixed and pure;Soif thou see me drunkreproach me not nor chide.
Then she sealed it and gave it to me;and I said'O my lady,this thy letter will heal the sick and ease the thirsting soul.'
Then I took it and was going awaywhen she called me back and said to me'Tell me that I will be his guest this night.'At this I rejoiced greatly and carried the letter to Jubeirwhom I found with his eyes fixed on the doorexpecting the reply. I gave him the letter and he opened and read itthen gave a great cry and fell down in a swoon. When he came to himselfhe said to me'O Ibn Mensourdid she indeed write this letter with her hand and touch it with her fingers?'O my lord,'answered I'do folk write with their feet?'And by AllahO Commander of the FaithfulI had not done speakingwhen we heard the chink of her anklets in the vestibule and she entered.
When he saw herhe sprang to his feetas thou there ailed him noughtand embraced her as the letter Lam embraces Alif