第7章 职场办公(2)
0361:赶上了!I made it!
0362:准时到达。I arrived on time!
0363:你又迟到了。You are late again.
0364:我只迟到了3分钟。I was only late by three minutes.
0365:今天忙了一天。It’s been a long day.
0366:我不能为你破例。I can’t make an exception for you.
0367:对不起,我睡过头了。Sorry,I overslept.
0368:让您久等了,真对不起。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
0369:打出勤卡了吗?(上班时)Did you punch in?
0370:打出勤卡了吗?(下班时)Did you punch out?
0371:你能搭乘一班早一些的公共汽车吗?Is it possible foryou to take an earlier bus?
0372:要守时。Be punctual!
0373:今晚你加班吗?Are you working overtime tonight?
0374:你怎么来这么晚?What made you so late?
有急事脱不开身。I was tied up with some urgentbusiness.
0375:对不起,马林,我迟到了。Sorry,Ma Lin,I’m late.
这是本周的第二次了。Jane,that’s the second timethis week.
0376:我来看看我的日程安排。Let me confirm my schedule.
0377:约翰刚才打电话请病假了。John called in sick just now.
0378:我生病了。I’m sick.
0379:恐怕我今天来不了。I’m afraid I can’t come today.
0380:我想请病假。l’d like to ask for sick leave.
0381:我想休一段时间。I ’d like to take some time off.
0382:我想离开一个小时。I’d like to put in for one hour’s leave.
0383:我想请假回家照顾我的宝宝。I want to take parental leave to look after my baby.
0384:我带来一张病历。I’ve brought a proper sick note.
0385:我来递交请假条。I come here to send in an excuse.
0386:我不在的时候,约翰先生会负责。Mr.John will be incharge during my absence.
0387:我想休息一周与我的家人团聚。I want to take a homeleave and be with my family for a week.
0388:我恐怕今天不能上班了。我觉得很不舒服。I’mafraid I can’t come to work today.I’m not feeling well.
0389:我需要休息,我忙了好长一段时间。I’ve been reallybusy for a long time,Ineed some rest.
0390:我要请一周的假,因为我要结婚了。I’m asking for aweek’s leave to prepare for my wedding.
0391:我能请两天假吗?Can I take two days’leave?
0392:我想请假上计算机课,不知道您准不准假?I waswondering if you could give me leave of absence toattend a computer course.
0393:你要离开这么长时间,你什么计划吗?That’s longleave.How’s your project coming along?
I was wondering if I could take another two weeks off?
0395:我想休息一段时间。I ’d like to take some time off.
没问题。That’s no problem.
0396:你有十天的年假离开,是吗?You still have ten days annual leave left,is that right?
0397:我不干了!I quit!
0398:我们的上司被解雇了。Our boss has been fired.
0399:到那时你就被解雇了。By that time you’ll be fired.
0400:我想拓展我的视野。I want to expand my horizons.
0401:长官,我已经下定决心了。这是我的辞呈。I’vemade a tough decision,sir.Here is my resignation.
0402:我不想落入俗套才辞职。我希望能向前迈进。I quitbecause I don’t want to be stuck in a rut.I want to move on.
0403:首先,我想告诉大家,我真的很高兴能与你们共事。但是,我觉得该是我离开的时候了。First of all,I’d like to say that I’ve really enjoyed working with you.
However,I think it’s about time for me to leave.
0404:虽然我很努力,但我觉得无法胜任这个工作。I’vebeen trying,but I don’t think I’m up to this job.
0405:我在这里待太久了。我想转换一下环境。I’ve been here for too long.I want to change my environment.
0406:我很抱歉在这个时候提出辞呈,但我已经决定要出国念书了。I’m sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment,but I’ve decided to study abroad.
0407:说实话,我有一个更好的工作机会。To be honest,I’ve got a better offer.
0408:我很累了。我需要好好休息。I’m running out of steam.I need to take a break.
0409:我辞职是因为我想尝试不一样的东西。I’m quitting because I want to try something different.
0410:公司不能履行和你的协议了。The company cant’carry out the agreement with you.
0411:我恐怕公司得终止和你的合作关系了。I’m afraid that the company has to break up the partership with you.
0412:公司在精简人员。Our company is downsizing the work force.
0413:你的职位已经被取消了。Your positon is being made redundant.
0414:你们违反了合同。You violated the contract.
0415:我不能失去这个工作。I can’t lose this job.
0416:这太不公平了。It’s unfair.
0417:我被辞退了,没有任何解释。I was fired without any
0418:你为什么要辞退我?Why do you fire me?
0419:我能得到一些赔偿吗?Can I get some compensation?
0420:你能告诉我你为什么要辞职吗?Could you tell mewhy you want to quit?
0421:辞职后你有什么打算?What are you going to do afterresignation?
0422:我们的上司被解雇了。Our boss has been let to go.
你不是在开玩笑吧!You’re kidding!
0423:怎么回事?What’s the matter?
我很抱歉地说,我们必须让你走,约翰。I’m sorryto say that we have to let you go,John.
0424:为什么呢?我工作非常努力。Why?I work very hard.
你不能和其他的员工很好地合作。You don’t workwell with the other employees.