第2章 用餐宴请(1)
0001:该吃早餐了。It’s time for breakfast.
0002:我开始做午饭了。I began to make lunch.
0003:我已经饿了。I’m getting hungry.
0004:我都快饿死了。I’m starving.
0005:吃饭之前请洗手。Please wash your hands before eating.
0007:请拿你的碗。Please take your bowl.
0008:他去拿碗了。He went to take the bowl.
0009:把盘子放在中间。Set the plate in the centre.
0010:你看起来很饿。You look very hungry.
0011:我们的饭菜很丰盛!What a big meal!
0012:今天的饭真好吃。Today’s food is really delicious.
0013:今天的牛肉很不错。The beef is very good today.
0014:天啊!这个龙虾真辣!Oh my god,the lobster is so spicy.
0015:这个蛋糕闻着真香。The cake smells very good.
0016:这是我最拿手的一道菜。This is my best one.
0017:看上去真好吃!This looks great.
0018:喝点果汁。Have some fruit juice.
0019:你吃的太少了,请再多吃一点。You eat too little,please eat a little more.
0020:我在节食。I’m on a diet.
0021:你几乎什么都没吃。You’ve hardly eaten anything.
0022:你们不吃完,我们哪儿也不去。We’re not going anywhere until you’ve fed!
0023:不要玩你的食物。Don’t play with your food.
0024:请保持桌面干净。Please keep the table clean.
0025:别把面包屑洒在桌子上。Don’t spill your crumbs on the table.
0026:请吃完它。Please finish eating it.
0027:饭吃完后,请掸掉衣服上的碎屑。Please brush crumbs from your clothes after dinner.
0028:饭后我们出去走走。Let’s go out for a walk after dinner.
0029:饭后要擦嘴。Wipe your mouth after dinner.
0030:吃完东西要漱口。Please rinse out your mouth after eating.
0031:这咖啡不热。This coffee is not hot enough.
0032:面包没烤熟。This bread is soggy.
0033:牛奶过期了。Expired milk.
0034:这药太苦了。This medicine tastes too bitter.
0035:别撒了。Don’t tip it over.有疑必问
0036:沙拉是谁做的?Who make the salad?
0037:杰姆怎么没来吃饭?Didn’t Jim come to dinner?
0038:你一定饿了吧?Must you be hungry?
0039:龙虾好吃吗?Is lobster delicious?
0040:你对龙虾过敏吗?Are you allergic to lobster?
0041:你还要点什么别的吗?Do you need anything else?
0042:你会用筷子吗?Can you use chopsticks?
0043:好吧,您想要什么样的牛排?Okay,so how would you like your steak prepared?
0044:能帮我收拾盘子吗?Would you help me clear the table?
0045:你吃好了吗?Did you enjoy your dinner?
嗯,我吃得很饱。Well,I’m very full.
0046:你觉得饭菜的味道怎么样?How do you like the taste of the meal?
味道好极了!The taste is great!
0047:我感觉有点儿饿,你不饿吗?I’m kind of hungry.
How about you?
我也饿了,到了吃午饭的时候了。Yeah,it’s time for lunch.
0048:这个可以吃吗?Can I eat this?
对不起,你不能吃这个。Sorry,You can’t eat that.
0049:这个味道怎么样?How does it taste?
好吃。It’s good.
0050:你需要咖啡吗?Would you like some coffee?
现在不要,谢谢。Not now,thanks.
0051:寿司怎么吃呀?How do you eat sushi?
你得蘸酱油。You dip it in soy sauce.
0052:这是什么鱼?What kind of fish is this?
啊,那是金枪鱼。Oh,that’s tuna.
0053:你需不需要来点儿?Would you like some?
0054:你能帮我准备餐具吗?Would you help me set the table?
乐意之至。I’d be happy to.
0055:可以吃了吗?Shall we begin?
请先吃吧。Please go ahead.
0056:这刀挺好使的,是不是?This knife cuts well,doesn’t it?
真挺快的。It sure does.
0057:我想吃法国菜。I’d like some french food.
0058:请给我们安排一张大桌子。We need a large table,please.
0059:给我来这个和那个。I’ll take this and that.
0060:我要一个70美元的晚餐包括酒水。I’d like to have dinner for 70 dollars including drinks.
0061:请给我一份牛排。I’d like a steak.
0062:请给我来一杯咖啡。I’d like a cup of coffee,please.
0063:这些已经够了。That’s all for me.
0064:这个菜不是我要的。I didn’t order this.
0065:我点的菜还没上。My order hasn’t come yet.
0066:要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶。I’d like a hamburger and aniced tea.
0067:请加番茄酱和芥末。With ketchup and mustard,please.
0068:我来埋单。I’ll take care of it.
0069:这儿好像选错了。I’m afraid there is a mistake here.
0070:不用找了。Keep the change.
0071:我们各付各的。We’d like to pay separately.
0072:你觉得哪家饭店好?Which restaurant do you recommend?
0073:这附近有没有好吃的饭馆?Could you recommend a good restaurant near here?
0074:这附近有法国餐馆吗?Is there a french restaurant around here?
0075:我需要预订吗?Do I need a reservation?
0076:您这儿有什么特色风味吗?Do you have any local specialties?