Reading Materials
Breakdown voltage VB depends on the doping density of a pn junction,in particular on the doping of the more lightly doped side of the junction. Fig 8.7 shows a plot of breakdown voltage for Si diodes of different doping. It indicates the general value of the quantities,but does not account for the grading of the junction,the doping of the more heavily doped side,nor the distinction between a planarand a spherical junction .
Fig.8.7 Breakdown voltage VB versus doping densityN for a Si junction diode.
The mechanism of breakdown for p-n junctions with breakdown voltages less than about 4Eq/q is due to the tunneling effect. For junctions with breakdown voltages in excess of 6Eq/q,the mechanism is caused by avalanche multiplication. At voltages between(4~6)Eq/q,the breakdown is due to a mixture of both avalanche and tunneling.
Although not large,the temperature variation of the two types of breakdown is of opposite sign. For breakdown voltages in the range of about 5~6 V for a Silicon diode,both avalanche-and tunnel-breakdown can occur simultaneously so that the net temperature variation is very slight. This characteristic is useful for establishing a voltage referencein some integrated circuits.
Words and Expressions
collide v. 碰撞
predominant adj. 主要的
sinusoidal adj. 正弦的
to superimposed on 叠加在……上
accompany v. 伴随,伴有
dominant adj. 占主要地位的
associated with adj. 与……有关
reciprocal adj. 倒数的
to be inversely proportional to… 与……成反比
to be directly proportional to… 与……成正比
inverse square root 负二分之一次方
differentiate v. 求导
Keep in mind that… 记住……
Glossary of Important Term
breakdown 击穿
avalanche breakdown 雪崩击穿
ionize 离化
Zener breakdown 齐纳击穿
tunneling mechanism 隧穿机理
thermal voltage 热电压
DC quiescent diode current 二极管静态直流电流
varactor diode 变容二极管
junction capacitance 结电容
permittivity 介电常数
diffusion capacitance 扩散电容
storage capacitance 储存电容
transit time 渡越时间
a. c. signal 交流信号
sinusoidal signals 正弦信号
infinitesimal voltage 无穷小电压
incremental conductance 增量电导
diffusion resistance 扩散电阻
linear amplifier circuits 线性放大电路
electrical switch 电开关
pulse 脉冲
‘on’ state 导通状态
‘off’ state 断开状态
turn-on time 导通时间
turn-off time 断开时间
transient 瞬态
storage time 储存时间
fall time 下降时间
simulation 模拟,仿真
equivalent circuit 等效电路
integrated circuit 集成电路
planar junction 平面结
spherical junction 球面结
voltage reference 电压基准
1. Translate the reading material into Chinese.
2. How to avoid the destruction of a device resulted from the breakdown.
3. Compare the differences between the avalanche-breakdown and tunnel-breakdown.
4. Why docs the breakdown voltage of a pn junction decrease as the doping concentration increases?
5. Why does a junction capacitance exist in a biased pn junction?
6. Explain the physical mechanism of diffusion capacitance.
7. Compare the differences between the Voltage dependences of the small-signal junction capacitance Cj and diffusion capacitance Cd of a junction diode.
8. Explain what is diffusion resistance and why it is dependent on the dc quiescent diode current?
9. Why would some time be required to make the transition of a diode from off to on(turn-on time)and from on to off(turn-off time)?
10. When and why must the small-signal equivalent circuit be used?