7.3 Energy Bands for a pn Junction
The electron-energy diagram conveys a great deal of information about a semiconductor device,and it is well worthwhile learning how to construct these diagrams. It is not a good idea to try to memorize the diagram for every device-the simple stages of construction are what must be mastered.
(1)Start by putting the Fermi level on paper for one of the layers of semiconductor-any one will do.
(2)Build the band round this Fermi level. The conduction band is close to the Fermi level for n-type material,but the valence band is close in p-type material.
(3)Draw the other Fermi levels at the right height on the diagram,allowing for applied voltages. The more positive of two layers is nearer the bottom of the page.
(4)Complete these bands,keeping the gap between conduction and valence bands constant.
(5)Join up the conduction band from each layer to the next,using S-shaped double curves,and do the same for the valence band.
(6)Fill in details such as free carriers,doping ions,and applied voltages. Remember that doping ions are present in depletion layers,but that large numbers of free carriers are not.
A pn junction and its associated energy band is shown in Fig.7.3.