
第30章 Food and Life 饮食男女(2)


Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a social, business, or family occasion。


Two of the most popular American foods are hot dogs and hamburgers。 You will find these available at almost all “fast food” restaurants。


A hot dog is usually made either from beef or pork, or a combination of the two, but a hamburger is beef。


American eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in one’s right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners。


A survey of American school children was taken and 96 percent identified McDonalds, which has had a big impact on are economy making sure of who they are。


Let’s Talk!


Li Lei: American food includes a lot of vegetable and meat。 And they almost eat bread every meal。

李雷: 美国食物含有很多蔬菜和肉类,而且他们几乎每餐都有面包。

Lucy: Yes, Americans usually have these things in their meals。


Li Lei: What do you think is the strength of the structure of American food?


Lucy: American pay a lot of attention to the nutrition such as the amount of protein, vitamins, calories contained in their food。


Li Lei: Nutrition is important for sure, but they seem to ignore the taste。


Lucy: Now American food is getting increasingly rich, and learns the different ways of cooking from other countries such as China。


Li Lei: There is a Chinese saying : “Hunger breeds, food to taste first。”


Lucy: Americans hold a different view。


Li Lei: That is true。 For American, food is used to satisfy the hunger, so they eat large piece of meat and chicken, while Chinese food is designed for taste。

李雷:的确,美国人认为菜肴是充饥的,所以专吃大块肉,整块鸡等, 中国的菜肴是“吃味”的。

Lucy: But Americans believe their nutrition matching is more reasonable than Chinese’s。


Li Lei: Do you also think so?


Lucy: I think it is possible。 As you can see, Americans are generally stronger and taller than Chinese people because of better nutrition。


Li Lei: This may be because of the geographical factors。


Lucy: Possibly。


British Daily Meals


英国盛产绅士,英国人更以下午四时喝茶闻名天下。我们知道英国人一向以保守、严肃和注重礼节为特征。相对于美国人来说, 他们的饮食更讲究形式和营养搭配, 口味也比较清淡。早餐时, 英国人也有饮一杯浓红茶的习惯。最典型的英国晚餐包括“一肉两菜”, 即一份肉类菜和两种煮过的蔬菜。英国人的一日三餐到底怎么吃,吃什么,让我们一起来了解吧。

Realize British Daily Meals



The writer Somerset Maugham1 observed that one could eat very well in England, simply by having breakfast—three times a day。 Although the great English home cooked breakfast a feast of bacon, eggs, sausages, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, kidneys, kippers, and so on—has given way to a belief that instant coffee and cornflakes must be healthier, it is still available all day and night at motorway service stations。

Roast beef, lamb or pork with vegetables and roast potatoes are still the nation’s favorite choice for “a proper meal”。 Potatoes form an important constituent of the main meal of the day。 The average person gets through 100 kilos of them every year。 Much of these are in the form of crispy snacks and, of course, chips with fish, burgers, and other fried foods or just on their own with salt and vinegar。

Most people wouldn’t consider a meal finished unless they had a pudding—steamed jam roll, apple pie, treacle pudding, strawberry tart。 The unwary should take care with “Yorkshire” and “black” puddings。 The first is eaten with roast beef, and the second a blood sausage。

In spite of their tastes becoming more sophisticated, the English still treasure the sandwich。 They were once content with no more than a cheese and chutney filling, but these days the sandwich can contain anything from smoked salmon and cream cheese to chicken。

As the interest in foreign food has grown, so have the choices。 The supremacy of French and Italian fare is now challenged by others—Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Spanish, Russian, and American。 There are even restaurants specializing in English food。 One highly successful example in London calls itself “School Dinners” 。There tired and overwrought businessmen can enjoy such old fashioned fare as bread and butter pudding, all served by well-developed girls wearing school uniforms。



Generally speaking the British breakfast is much bigger than in most other countries。 Many people like to have a fried breakfast which can consist of fried bacon and eggs with fried bread and possibly fried tomatoes or black pudding。 Of course not everybody wants to eat a lot early in the morning and many people prefer to just eat toast and marmalade with tea or coffee。 Cereals are also very popular。 The most common is cornflakes。

fried bacon油炸熏肉

fried bread煎面包

black pudding黑香肠

toast and marmalade橘子酱面包




If you go to Britain to study English and you stay with a family you will almost certainly be given a “packed lunch” for your midday meal。 A packed lunch normally consists of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an apple and a can of something to drink, for example, coca-cola。 The contents are kept in a plastic container and you take it with you when you go to school or work。 The quality of the packed lunch can vary from terrible to very good; it all depends on who makes it。

packed lunch盒装午餐


crisps 薯片或炸土豆片

(3)Dinner 晚餐