第5章 青春不散场 (4)
“One of these days,” Mrs. Coots was fond of saying, “you students will find that what you’re learning here will be useful.” Few of us believed her, but that didn’ t discourage Mrs. Coots from her relentless drilling in the basics of English composition. She was unwavering in her determination that we master the intricacies of the term paper with a proper bibliography. At the slightest protest, Mrs. Coots’s dark eyes flashed. “You will find that the real world is far more demanding than my term papers, but meanwhile they can help prepare you for it!”
I smiled at the memory. Nothing had been more difficult than one of her term papers, not even the prospect of one of Professor Dressel’s. He was a notoriously hard grader, seeming to take particular delight in giving Cs to A students. The next day I threw myself into the paper, working harder on it than any project I could remember.
When he handed back our papers, groans from the disappointed made Professor Dressel’s classroom sound like a hospital ward. He tossed my paper on my desk without comment. I shut my eyes tightly, steeling myself for the blow. When I cracked them open, an A+ leaped off the page. I disbelief I bent over for a closer look. Professor Dressel had written a terse note just below the grade: “See me after class.”
Nervously I approached his desk as the others grumbled out. “Young lady,” he said, “your term paper is among the finest I have ever seen produced by a junior accounting student. Do you know what this tells me?” I shook my head.
“It tells me that somewhere along the line you had a remarkable English teacher. If he or she is till alive, you should go to that teacher and express your gratitude. Good night.”_He snapped his textbook dosed, abruptly stood and strode out.
My mouth gaped. In my heart I knew Professor Dressel was right; I owed a good measure of my A+ to Mrs. Coots. I knew I should thank her, but the memory of her no-nonsense, crisp classroom demeanor still intimidated me.
On the evening I finally forced myself up to the front door of her modest house. I was trembling. But the woman who answered the door was far different from the Mrs. Coots I remembered in the classroom. She was in a bathrobe—pale and frowning. “May I come in?” I blurted.
She coughed and reluctantly beckoned me in. “I’ve been sick all fall,” she said in a reedy voice. “I’m just now getting over pneumonia.”
Mrs. Coots half collapsed in a chair and regarded me tiredly. I sat on the edge of the chair nearest her. I thrust my term paper into her hands. She glanced at it, then looked back me quizzically.
“My accounting professor knew someone like you was responsible for my paper—and—uh—” I stammered, “I just wanted to thank you. I really appreciate all you did for me.”
Mrs. Coots began to cry.“You’re the first person ever to thank me,” she sobbed. “This has been such a hard year, but your visit has done me more good than all the medicine I’ve taken. God bless you!” She got up, raised me gently out of my chair, threw her arms around me and hugged me hard. Then we both shed some tears. “I’m so glad you stopped by,” she said.
“So am I!” I replied.
Never again have I been reluctant to express gratitude.
1. After the bell, as my classmates____ out mumbling darkly, I recalled another classroom that of Mrs. Ado Coots, the____of Forsyth County High. I could still____ her neat script in the margins of my English papers, carefully enumerating each of my grammatical shortcomings in bright______ink.
2. Mrs. Coots half collapsed in a chair and regarded me____ . I sat on theof the___ chair nearest her. I thrust my term paper_____her hands. She glanced at it,_____ looked back me quizzically.
1. 这种畏惧蔓延开来,整个教室充斥着凝重的气氛。
2. 第二天,我就以前所未有的认真精神,开始埋头于学期论文的写作。
3. 今年对于我来说真的很难熬,你的拜访让我的病感觉好了许多,比吃过的所有药都有效。
1. ...Mrs. Coots was fond of saying, “you students will find that what you’re learning here will be useful.”
be fond of:喜欢,喜爱