更新时间:2025-01-08 15:55:15
《御制耕织图序》 “Preface to the Imperially Commissioned Illustrations of Agriculture and Sericulture”
浸种 Soaking Seeds
耕 Plowing
耙耨 Harrowing and Weeding
耖 Pulverizing the Soil
碌碡 Leveling the Soil
布秧 Sowing Sprouted Seeds
初秧 Growing Seedlings
淤荫 Fertilizing
拔秧 Lifting Seedlings
插秧 Transplanting Seedlings
一耘 First Weeding
二耘 Second Weeding
三耘 Third Weeding
灌溉 Irrigation
收刈 Reaping
登场 Airing
持穗 Threshing
舂碓 Husking
筛 Sieving
簸扬 Winnowing
砻 Hulling
入仓 Warehousing
祭神 Honoring Gods
浴蚕 Bathing for Silkworms
二眠 Second Dormancy
三眠 Third Dormancy
大起 Active Stage
捉绩 Checking on Silkworm Maturity
分箔 Setting Silkworms Apart
采桑 Plucking Mulberry Leaves
上簇 Putting Silkworms onto the Rearing Stands
炙箔 Heating the Bamboo Trays
下簇 Picking Cocoons Off the Rearing Stands
择茧 Grading Cocoons
窖茧 Sealing Cocoons
练丝 Reeling Silk
蚕蛾 Silkworm Breeding
祀谢 Honoring Gods
染色 Dyeing Threads
络丝 Winding Threads
经 Warp
纬 Weft
织 Weaving
攀华 Making Brocade
剪帛 Trimming the Fabric
成衣 Tailoring