List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Statement of the Problem
1.2 Purpose of the Study
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1.3 Significance of the Study
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1.4 Research Questions
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1.5 Assumptions
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1.6 Definition of Terms
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1.7 Delimitations
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1.8 Limitations
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Chapter 2 Review of the Literature
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2.1 Global Education Initiatives
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2.2 Implementation of Global Education
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2.3 People with Global Perspectives
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2.4 Curriculum and Instruction
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2.5 Language Education
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Chapter 3 Methodology
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3.1 Research Questions
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3.2 Hypotheses
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3.3 Population of the Research Study and the Sample
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3.4 Protection of the Subjects
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3.5 Research Instruments
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3.6 Participant Demographics
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3.7 Data Collection and Analysis Methods
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Chapter 4 Data Manipulation and Analysis
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4.1 Demographic Analysis for the Sample
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4.2 Data Manipulation
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4.3 Tests of Hypotheses
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Chapter 5 Discussion and Recommendations
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5.1 Findings and Implications
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5.2 Recommendations for Future Research
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Appendix A Global-Mindedness Scale (GMS)
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Appendix B The Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS)
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Appendix C Demographic Questionnaire
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Appendix D Letter of Request
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Appendix E IRB Letter of Approval
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Appendix F Teaching Journals
更新时间:2024-05-21 15:44:44