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Chapter 1. Welcome to JavaScript in the Full Stack
Node.js changed JavaScript forever
The NoSQL movement
Chapter 2. Getting Up and Running
Environment assumptions and requirements
Installing Node.js
Installing the MongoDB server
Writing your first app
Chapter 3. Node and MongoDB Basics
A JavaScript Primer
The basics of NodeJS
Installing modules using npm
The basics of MongoDB
Additional resources
Chapter 4. Writing an Express.js Server
What is Express.js?
Building a complete web application
Organizing the files
Server.js – where it all begins
Configuration module
Routers and controllers
Custom middleware
Migrating to Express v4.0.0
Chapter 5. Dynamic HTML with Handlebars
Basic syntax for Handlebars
Partial views
Handlebars Helpers
Rendering the views
Chapter 6. Controllers and View Models
View models
Updating the home controller
Updating the image controller
Helpers for reusable code
Iterating on the UI
Chapter 7. Persisting Data with MongoDB
Using MongoDB with Node
Introducing Mongoose
Defining the schema and models
Adding CRUD to the controllers
Iterating by adding an image removal capability
Refactoring and improvements
Chapter 8. Creating a RESTful API
What is an API?
What is a RESTful API?
Introducing Postman REST Client
Creating a Basic API server
Responding to GET requests
Receiving data – POST and PUT requests
Removing data – DELETE
Consuming external APIs from Node.js
Chapter 9. Testing Your Code
Tools of the trade
Writing and running your first test
Testing the application
Spy and stub everything!
Chapter 10. Deploying with Cloud-based Services
Cloud versus traditional hosting
Introduction to Git
Deploying your application
Chapter 11. Single Page Applications with Popular Frontend Frameworks
What is a Single Page Application?
Why use a frontend framework?
Frontend development tools
Testing and test-driven development
Chapter 12. Popular Node.js Web Frameworks