更新时间:2021-07-15 17:08:20
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Roslyn Cookbook
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Writing Diagnostic Analyzers
Creating debugging and executing an analyzer project in Visual Studio
Getting ready
How to do it...
How it works...
Creating a symbol analyzer to report issues about symbol declarations
There s more...
See also
Creating a syntax node analyzer to report issues about language syntax
Creating a syntax tree analyzer to analyze the source file and report syntax issues
Creating a method body analyzer to analyze whole method and report issues
Creating a compilation analyzer to analyze whole compilation and report issues
Writing unit tests for an analyzer project
Publishing NuGet package and VSIX for an analyzer project
Consuming Diagnostic Analyzers in .NET Projects
Searching and installing analyzers through the NuGet package manager
Searching and installing VSIX analyzers through the VS extension gallery
Viewing and configuring analyzers in solution explorer in Visual Studio
Using the ruleset file and Rule Set editor to configure analyzers
There's more...
Writing IDE Code Fixes Refactorings and Intellisense Completion Providers
Creating debugging and executing a CodeFixProvider to fix a compiler warning
Applying batch code fixes (FixAll) across different scopes: document project and solution
Creating a custom FixAllProvider to fix all occurrences of an issue across a scope
Creating a CodeRefactoringProvider to refactor source code to recommend using C# 7.0 tuples
Creating a CompletionProvider to provide additional intellisense items while editing code.
Writing unit tests for a CodeFixProvider