更新时间:2021-06-24 13:47:56
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Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes
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Introduction to Kubernetes for Developers
Technical requirements
Installing Docker
Installing kubectl
Installing Minikube
The code
Kubernetes in a nutshell
Kubernetes – the container orchestration platform
The history of Kubernetes
The state of Kubernetes
Understanding the Kubernetes architecture
The control plane
The API server
The etcd store
The scheduler
The controller manager
The data plane
The kubelet
The kube proxy
The container runtime
Kubernetes and microservices – a perfect match
Packaging and deploying microservices
Exposing and discovering microservices
Securing microservices
Service accounts
Secure communication
Network policies
Authenticating and authorizing microservices
Role-based access control
Upgrading microservices
Scaling microservices
Monitoring microservices
Creating a local cluster
Troubleshooting Minikube
Verifying your cluster
Playing with your cluster
Installing Helm
Further reading
Getting Started with Microservices
Installing Go with Homebrew on macOS
Installing Go on other platforms
Programming in the small – less is more
Making your microservice autonomous
Employing interfaces and contracts
Exposing your service via APIs
Using client libraries
Managing dependencies
Coordinating microservices
The uniformity versus flexibility trade-off
Taking advantage of ownership
Understanding Conway's law
Troubleshooting across multiple services
Utilizing shared service libraries
Choosing a source control strategy
Multiple repos
Creating a data strategy
One data store per microservice
Running distributed queries
Employing Command Query Responsibility Segregation
Employing API composition
Using sagas to manage transactions across multiple services
Understanding ACID
Understanding the CAP theorem
Applying the saga pattern to microservices
Delinkcious - the Sample Application