更新时间:2021-06-11 18:54:14
1. Building Blocks of Deep Learning
Introduction to TensorFlow
2. Neural Networks
Neural Networks and the Structure of Perceptrons
Training a Perceptron
Keras as a High-Level API
Exploring the Optimizers and Hyperparameters of Neural Networks
Activity 2.01: Build a Multilayer Neural Network to Classify Sonar Signals
3. Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Digital Images
Image Processing
Convolutional Neural Networks
Pooling Layers
Data Augmentation
Saving and Restoring Models
Transfer Learning
4. Deep Learning for Text – Embeddings
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
Classical Approaches to Text Representation
Distributed Representation for Text
5. Deep Learning for Sequences
Working with Sequences
Recurrent Neural Networks
6. LSTMs GRUs and Advanced RNNs
Long-Range Dependence/Influence
The Vanishing Gradient Problem
Sequence Models for Text Classification
The Embedding Layer
Building the Plain RNN Model
Making Predictions on Unseen Data
LSTMs GRUs and Other Variants
Parameters in an LSTM
LSTM versus Plain RNNs
Gated Recurrence Units
Bidirectional RNNs
Stacked RNNs
Summarizing All the Models
Attention Models
More Variants of RNNs
7. Generative Adversarial Networks
Deep Convolutional GANs