更新时间:2021-02-03 09:41:28
1. 盘古开天辟地歌
Eulogy of Pangu for His Creation
Comments and Annotations
2. 高皇歌
Hymn to Emperor Gaoxin
3. 击壤歌
Song of Hit-or-Miss
4. 弹歌
Song of the Catapult
5. 禹上会稽
Chanting atop Mount Kuaiji
6. 越人歌
The Yue’s Song
7. 渔父歌
Song of the Fisherman
8. 乌鸢歌
Song of the Eagles
9. 吴王女玉歌
Song of the Princess of Wu
10. 采葛妇歌
Gathering Kudzu
11. 军士离别词
The Soldiers’ Pledge on Their Departure
12. 越人土风歌
The Yues’ Song of Their Own Mores
13. 越谣歌
Ballad of the Yues
14. 曹娥姑
What a Good Lass
15. 会稽童谣
A Children’s Rhyme of Kuaiji
16. 徐圣通歌
Ode to Xu Shengtong
17. 太湖神之歌
Song of the God of the Taihu Lake
18. 咏鹅
Song to the Goose
19. 杂歌
One of the Mescellaneous Songs
20. 相思曲
A Song of the Pursuit of Love
21. 骂财主
Denouncing the Cruel Landlord
22. 财主心肠比蛇毒
The Rich Are Even More Poisonous than the Snake
23. 采茶歌
Tea-Picking Song
24. 山中只见藤缠树
The Tree in th’ Mount a Vine’s Seen to Enlace
25. 竹子当收你不收
If Grown Bamboos You Fail in Time to Reap
26. 渔家傲
Pride of the Fisherman
27. 吴越王还乡歌
Song of a Prince’s Return
28. 婺州山中人歌
Song of the Man in the Mounts
29. 月子弯弯
The Crescent Moon
30. 嫁鸡随鸡
Inflicted Marriages
Picking Mulberry Leaves
32. 树旗谣
Song of Revolt