更新时间:2019-01-03 09:46:42
糟糕的家庭作业 The bad homework
有趣的圣诞书 The interesting Christmas-book
汽车故障 Car breakdown
会走的手提箱 A fugitive suitcase
调解者 The peace-makers
拜访海豹 Visit the seals
正中靶心 Hit the bullseye
美颜摄影术 A photography tip
绘画的局限性 The limits of painting
晨练 Morning exercise
家庭马戏团 Family circus
睡眠障碍 Hard to fall asleep
好榜样 The good example
“前边长,后边短” Long in front short in back
忘加葡萄干了 The forgotten raisins
离家的小浪子 The prodigal son
出去溜溜 Go out for a walk
叫你不带我 Revenge of being left
“复活节兔子送的复活节彩蛋” “Easter eggs from Easter bunny”
挑衅失败 Provocation failed
赏花之旅 Enjoy the blossom
底片上的球赛 The match on the film
鱼儿来信 A letter from the fish
皆大欢喜 Triple win
实用的发明 Practical invention
一年以后 One year later
正在游戏,闲人勿扰 Game time no disturb
不可救药 The incorrigibles
生日惊喜 The birthday surprise
沙滩游戏 Play on the beach
爸爸输了 When dad lose at the chess
批评也要有个限度 Enough is enough
大象的谢意 The elephants' thanks
夕阳 The sunset
糟糕的演奏会 A failed concert
梦游者 The sleepwalker
可怕的邻座 The horrible neighbor
可疑的螺旋 The suspicious spirals
再来一次,真好玩! Once more it's so funny!
丢失的足球 The lost football
梦与现实的交织 Dream into reality
助人为乐的教训 A lesson of offering help
人靠衣装 Clothes make the man
次序不能乱 Order is foremost
烟雾!火灾? Smoke! Fire?
艺术的魅力 The charm of art
不择手段的战争 In the war everything is allowed
最后的苹果 The last apple
倔强的马 The unruly horse
签名 The signature
“真的,钓了这——么大条鱼!” “Truely a sooo big fish! ”
神秘的圣诞礼物手工制作 The mystery Christmas handiwork
圣诞礼物 The Christmas gift
枪声迎新年 Greet New Year with a bang
结局好,一切好 All is well that ends well
奉献出早餐面包 Contribute the breakfast
聪明的马 The smart horse
糊豌豆带来的“教育” Educate with burnt beans
自大狂 Hybris
闹鬼 The ghost
爆竹雪茄 Firecracker-cigar
假面舞会的装扮 The masquerade
当心天鹅! Mind the swan!
用于大风天儿 For windy days
狗不理 No one cares
愚人节! April! April!
惊吓复活节兔子 Surprise for Easter bunny
假装小孩儿 Pretend to be a kid
银行劫匪 The bank robber
尴尬的相似 Embarrassing likeness
智胜窃豆贼 Theftproof
寻回犬 The retriever
蘑菇 The mushroom
真遗憾 What a pity
教育得有点晚 Education comes too late
总有办法 There's always a way
放假第一天 Holiday begins
全输了 All out
想法是好的 Good intention
“要歌德的,全部!” “Goethe's - all! ”
医生禁止他喝太多 The doctor forbid him to drink too much
比奥运会运动员还强的铅球投手 Stronger than the Olympian
“冠军”! Champion!
与黄蜂的周旋 Deal with a wasp
逃学 Play truant
又来瘾了 Crave again
礼物 The gift
新镜子 A new mirror
忍无可忍 Forbearance has its limits
吃力不讨好 Help or disservice
窃贼 The burglar
当父亲好像也不难 Not difficult to be a father
引人入胜的书 A fascinating book
智慧 VS力量Wisdom VS Force
好疼的幕间小喜剧 What a painful interlude
拍电影的“兔子” The rabbits making a film
家教 Family education
曾祖父、祖父、父亲和儿子 Great-grandfather Grandfather Father and Son